Strippyn Mini-Fic: Gift

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Everyone knew that Martyn was VERY protective over his lapis. Some say that it was sentimental value or that he was just a massive hoarder, probably both. However, there were rare occasions when Martyn gave his lapis out, only in small pieces though, but this time was a VERY speacial occasion...

Strippin was sitting inside an unused minecart, thinking about his 'speacial' surprise for his lover. He never did anything romantic, he usually just preferred them talking and kissing (andsexobviously), so Valentines Day would be perfect for something extra speacial. 

No romantic dinners. No romantic movies or any other sappy shit like that. With help fro Rythian, his gift was gonna be the best.

"Strippiiiiiiin~" he heard his lover call.

Smiling, he replied "Yes love~?" as he looked behind him, he saw the nature spirit walking up to him with something behind his back. He tilted his at Martyn, trying to peek around him to see what was in his hands, but Martyn had wrapped it up in red and pink wrapping paper. 

'He's so cute' he thought, smiling up at his lover who was slightly blushing already. 

"U-uhh... I have a gift for you" he stuttered shyly, he knew Martyn wasn't the most confident in these situations. 

Martyn held out a medium sized gift, the wrapping paper was pink with red hearts and it was heart shaped. So adorable.

He grinned and slowly grabbed the box, guessing it was chocolate until he felt how much it weighed.

"Jesus christ Martyn, are you trying to get me fat?" he chuckled and Martyn giggled in reply. 

Strippin slowly tore through the neat wrapping until it was all off. He stared at the object in beauty; it was a very large block of lapis, carved into a very neat and smooth love heart and it said 'Sam + Martyn <3' on the front of it. It was perfect. 

"Do you like it?" Martyn said, smiling in excitement.

"I love it, babe!" he said, pulling the sapling lover into a hug, to which the boy happily returned.

He gave him a quick kiss before pulling back, "When did you have the time to make this?" he said before pulling Martyn onto his lap.

"When you went to the mines with Benji, i had loads of time to carve it out" he explained, all the while smiling.

Sam pouted, which made Martyn tilt his head" What is it? Did i miss something out?" he asked, slightly worried.

"My gift seems crap now, thanks a lot" he joked and Martyn laughed and shook his head.

"I bet yours will be perfect" he said before nuzzling his cheek and Sam chuckled. 

"The best gift i have is you" 


I could not find the Strippyn picture i was gonna use so i had to use mine .-. I drew it a while ago.....

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