RidgeSounds- Flux touch!

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"Hey Riiiidge?" shouted the fluxed woman from downstairs.

Ridge sighed and smiled, walking away from his work and to where his lover was shouting from. He floated through their castle, eventually landing near Kim as she sat on a couch.

"Yes dear?" he said, giving her that million dollar grin of his, but raising an eyebrow as she made her way over to him.

"Well, ever heard of that thing kids do?" she said, walking up to him.

"Ummm no?" he said, beginning to grow slightly wary of what she was going to do.

She giggled, "I made my own version..." she grinned" It's called.... FLUX TOUCH!" she shouted, poking Ridge in ribs and running off through the castle. 

Ridge grunted and held his rib until the pain went a few seconds later, before grinning and chasing after her.

"Get back here fluxy!" he shouted, catching up to her and purposely letting her get ahead. 

They ran for 5 minutes before Ridge tackled her to the ground,making sure he landed on the ground to be careful no to crush her.

"Got ya!" he grinned to her, but she had her fingers crossed which only confused him.

"Isolated~!" she sang.

"What is this game!?"

If you don't know what game i'm talking about, look it up :3

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