Strippyn: Shorty

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A/N: Yes i did have to look on wiki how tall they were. Yes, my browser will now look like i'm stalking both of them. And yes, i couldn't find how tall Martyn is so i made it up.

Also, this will be the last fic before my holiday so i won't be posting for about 2 weeks.

Sam: 6 ft 4

Martyn: 5 ft 9(idk)

It was Wednesday and on Wednesdays in the Strippyn household was laundry day. It wasn't something the pair particularly enjoyed it, however they were both down to their last pair of boxers, shirts and trousers so it had to be done.

Before Martyn had to force Sam to get some of it done, he decided to have a shower, a long one. He had left his last pair of clothes in his shared room, where Sam was still snoozing and refusing to get up and work. The blonde stayed in for around ten minutes, relaxing himself for the long day ahead. 

He eventually got out of the steaming shower and quickly dried off his hiar, which needed trimming but now wasn't the time. He cleaned his teeth and walked out of the bathroom, with the towel around his waist, and toward the bedroom. Downstairs, he heard the TV going to he knew his lover was already 'up' and by 'up' he meant sleeping on the couch, unwilling to move. 

When Martyn entered the bedroom, he immediately that his trousers and boxers had disappeared from the bed where he had left them. He raised an eyebrow, walking over to his lonely shirt and looked around. He was making his way to the wardrobe when he saw a note stuck on to it. He ripped it off and frowned slightly when he read it.

'You have 10 minutes to get them down ;)

If you don't, you'll have to call your knight in shining armor (aka me) <3'

Martyn looked up to the top of the towering wardrobe and saw both of his missing items, placed carefully on the top of the mahogany structure. They were slightly hanging over the edge, but not enough for Martyn to reach, which left the blonde very frustrated.

He sighed in annoyance and jumped up to grab the part hanging off, only to miss it by a few inches. He huffed and jumped again, yelping when his towel almost fell off of his waist. Groaning, he tried again, and again. But every time he missed.

"I'm gonna kll him" the blonde muttered, sighing as heard the TV turn off. He heard Sam shout up to him if he gave up.

Sighing he replied, "Yes Sam, i give up. Can you get them down please?" he pleaded, tightening his towel, knowing Sam would definitely try and take it off.

"You have to say it properly~" he could hear the grin in the brunette's voice causing him to grumble.

"Oh knight in shining armor, could you possibly get down my clothes... Please" he said sarcastically, letting a smirk plaster on his face for a few seconds before the door opened.  Sam stood their with a very cocky grin on his face, eyes full of amusement.

"As you wish Madame Shorty" he smirked, raising an eyebrow as Martyn tightened his towel with a huff.

The taller one just laughed and easily grabbed the blonde's clothes, handing them down to the grumpy Martyn. Before said man could grab them, Sam quickly wrapped his arms around Martyn's waist, earning him a squeak, and nuzzling his hair.

"Let's skip washing and let's do something else~" he murmured  in his almost dry hair, placing a light kiss on his neck.

"Sam no. You're not going to seduce me out of the laundry, we literally have no clothes."

"But Martyy-"


Martyn glanced up to the taller man, giving him a look that Sam took as a definite no. He pouted and gave him a quick kiss. 

"I'll go get the washing theeen" he groaned, sighing as he trudged back downstairs with slunched shoulders as his plan failed.

"I love you~"

"I hate you too!"

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