Sjips Mini-Fic: Pool Fun

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Work was no fun, both boys knew that, however it all paid off in the end. Not because of the progress, but because at the end of each day they could relax with each other. They both enjoyed cuddles, especially when it was chilly. They could wrap tons of blankets around themselves without getting too hot and slowly fall asleep in one another's arms. 

It was a perfect way to spend Valentines Day by fair. The best part was when Toby would say...

"I love you my little sapling"

Sjips: Pool Fun

In winter, Sips and Sjin always dared each other to jump in the freezing cold pool of they lost a certain 'bet'. This year round, Sips lost...Again.

'Why did he agree to this?' he asked himself, standing in front of the almost frozen pool in only his swim trunks. Sjin walked up behind his boss, ready to push him in the pool.

"Ready love~?" Sjin cooed, quickly slapping his ass (datbigbootyohye) to which Sips squeaked.

"Lil' bastard...." he mumbled, looking down. He was not ready for this.

Sjin chuckled, "Hey, it's not my fault i always win ya know" he mocked, but Sips just grumbled.

"Well, i don't agre- AHHHH!" he was cut off as Sjin pushed him in, giggling like mad.

Sips broke through the water, "HOLY SHIT THAT'S COLD!" he screamed, but Sjin ignored his lover's screams and just kept laughing. Sips smirked, "So that's how you want it, eh?" he whispered, before he dived under water, paying no mind to the cold water splashing against his already pale skin.

Sjin eventually stopped, looking around the pool for the dirt lover. "Sipsy?" he spoke, now slightly concerned, until he screamed as Sips burst from the water, grabbing the architect and pulling him in.

They both swam to the surface and burst into laughter and started splashing each other, the cold of winter in the back of their minds.

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