Alstrippin- I Hate You, But I Don't Really PART 1

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It's 1 am shhhhhhhh I can write

also, sorry it's been so long <3 I've been getting tons of homework and i lost my interest in writing for a while, but i'm back for a bit! uwu BUT CRACKSHIPS! (This ship came from a fusion i created with the two, which i love so i decided to add it c;)

p.s  don't expect part 2 anytime soon uwu; sorry


In DerpuliesHigh almost, no, every single person knew about the bitter hate between two jocks.  The constant fights, shouts and detentions kind of proved that.Not one soul dared to enter the path of them when fighting. God save those who did.

Oh,you don't know who I'm talking about? Well, I'm taking about the devil duo Alex Smith and Sam Thorne. However, this doesn't end in blood, death and sadness, oh no. This ends with love. Surprisingly.

Most Wednesdays, at 4pm, the basket ball and football team members would gather around in the court yard and have a full on fist fight. Of course, Alex was captain of the Basket ball team and Sam was captain of the football team. Every single time they got carried away, everyone backing away until either Ross, Trott or Martyn would come and brake up the fight. They weren't afraid of them, not one hair on their body stood up when they were around. They were all actually close friends, bar Sam and Alex, but that didn't stop them.

At around 4:56pm, Martyn had dragged Sam out of the court as everyone else scattered to go home while Trott and Ross took Smiff away for some 'time-out' as they called it. The blonde sighed, as the taller sluggishly draped his arm over Martyn's shoulders, trying to to crush the slimmer body.

"Neither of you ever win, so why even try?" Martyn questioned, mentally sighing in relief when he saw the parking lot where Tom's (AKA Sparkles*, as he likes to be called) car was waiting.

Sam just huffed," I can take him down... It's just the end of the day i'm tired and i'm weaker" he said, quickly brushing it off.

Martyn just grinned: him and everyone else,who was close friend with Sam and Alex, all knew they both had a crush on each other. Well, love-hate crush. However, they were both way too manly to admit that. For a while, it had been Trott and Martyn's plan to hook them up, but Ross and Sparkles* were out since they didn't really have any experience with love-y, dove-y stuff. Martyn and Trott were dating, yeah, but they never really did anything intimate because they never really wanted to. Mostly cuddles and late night movies. However, they both knew Smith and Sam's relationship would be the complete opposite to theirs. 

Once they reached Sparkles* dark blue car, he was already there with a first aid kit.He sat there silently, his long ginger mane tied back in a pony tail and a tired smiles plastered onto his face.  

"Got in another hustle with your boyfriend, ey mate?" the ginger smirked deviously as the brunette gave him a vicious glare.

"Fuck off Sparks" he hissed, as his headache became more unbearable. Martyn just shook his head and got him in the backseat of the car with the first aid kit from Sparkles*.

"Let's just get going back home, alright?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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