Inthian (Contest Entry)

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For Kitty8153 's contest :3

Rythian never really liked waking up in the morning, especially on Sundays, however he couldn't spend all day in bed without his lover. Speaking of his lover, he didn't feel the warmth of Martyn's body curled up next to him. He mumbled quietly to himself and scrunched his eyes as light poured through the window. He was about to open his eyes when he felt someone jump on top of him, causing him to groan.

"Rythy~?" he heard his lover whisper, giggling like a child afterwards- obviously excited about something- and patting his face.

The mage just grumbled, squinting up at the blonde only to be met with aqua blue eyes.  Once he regained his thoughts from hazy sleep, he raised an eyebrow at his lover. The blonde was wearing his black mask around the bottom of his face and wrapped it around his neck- more times then necessary-  to make it shorter. He was also wearing: his shirt, cape and trousers, all of them being slightly to big so they were baggy on his small torso. 

"Morning" he grinned, pulling down his mask to give Rythian a quick kiss on the nose. 

Rythian sighed, smiling sleepily "Why are you wearing my clothes?" he asked, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the sleep.

"Well... Sips and Sjin asked everyone to do a clothes swap with their partner for fun and i kinda really wanted to do it" he blurted out, sheepishly.

Rythian just chuckled, "You do realize your clothes may be a little too small for me?" he said, sitting up as much as he could with the blonde still on his lap.

"You can do magic-y stuff thought, right?" he pouted, giving Rythian the most adorable frown he had ever seen.

The mage couldn't help but smile at his lover's child like behavior. He shook his head and stretched, "Fine then" he grinned, pulling Martyn in for a quick hug and got out of bed to tackle the strange events that will happen.


Rythian looked very strange in Martyn's clothes, as the boy had commented, but out of the two they looked actually quite adorable. 

The two of them spent the rest of the day with Sips, Sjin, Kim and Duncan hanging around and playing silly games. Sips and Sjin had swapped clothes, which didn't really make a difference since they wore the same space suit anyway, however Sips looked like he was in a onsie and Sjin looked like catwoman. They all had an agreement that Kim and Duncan looked the best though. Duncan wearing a dress was just priceless. 

They all said their goodbyes after a long day of goofing off and set off to their homes. Martyn and Rythian stumbled into their shared home, holding hands as they walked into their bedroom. They both stripped off their clothing, just in their boxers, and snuggled up together under the covers.

 The mage and sapling prince both lay there in content, listening to one another's steady heart beats. Martyn curled up in front of the mage, nuzzling into the elder man's neck and sighing. While Rythian gently rubbed circles into his back and hummed softly as they both fell into a peaceful sleep.

I'll get the last two requests done soon, i promise! c:

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