Crack Ships!

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TeamCrafted x The Yogscast


Jerome x Trott:

"Bacas aren't even real! How are you one!?" Trott huffed, frowning in a very confused manner, while the fluffy just laughed.

"I don't come from space doofus. I'm a normal bacca from the forest!" Jerome replied, grinning at the very angry walrus as he huffed.

"Then you're not a bacca! You're just a bear" he exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air for emphases.

"Says the talking and walking walrus" he replied, laughing.

"I hate you."

" Aww i love you too!"

Lalna x Jason (TrueMU)

"What kind of jetpack IS this exactly?" Lalna asked, inspecting the blue metal tanks from all sides as it lay on the rust table.

"Eh, i just built it out of boredom. It's nothing that speacial" the space boy replied, cleaning his helmet's orange lens. 

"What?!" he shouted, "It took me over 2 months to build my jetpack and yours is more stable... AND YOU BUILT IT  OUT OF BOREDOM!?" he rambled, having a look of shock and anger on his face.

"Well, maybe i'm just better at science then you" he said cheekily, giving the blonde a peck on the cheek before leaving the scientists lab.

"Impossible! I AM THE GREATEST SCIENTIST OF ALL TEKKITIOPIA!" he shouted back as heat began rising to his cheeks.

Martyn x Mitch (Insert and Seth are gonna kill me)

The two males both walked out of the Hunger Games lobby, the blonde looking very pleased with himself while the other looked as miserable as grumpy cat. He kept rambling on and on to the very happy one, about being the greatest hunger games contestant ever.

"You totally cheated! I've won, what, over 100 games? You've only won 1" he shouted, obviously pissed.

"Make that two" Martyn corrected him, only receiving a glare of daggers.

"That's not the point! I should've won! It's just impossible" Mitch crossed his arms, a pout forming on his face.

"Alright sore looser, why don't we get some ice cream to cool you down?" the blonde grinned as the other frowned.

"You better pay..." he grumbled.

Martyn laughed, "Okay then. You big baby", dragging him by the hand.

"Hacker." Mitch grinned back.

Simon x Deadlox

Simon + Deadlox + TNT + Jaffas = Pyromaniacs 


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