Rythna- Midnight Cuddles & Kisses

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All the fluff!

The moon hung high in the sky, shining brightly on the Mincraftia plains below to cast gloomy shadows on the ground. Millions of stars were dotted in the sky, as if they had just been scattered about carelessly yet still give off a peaceful and beautiful vibe. The white lights from above shone down on a small lake, which stood next to a large basalt castle as dark as the night itself, almost blending in with the shadows. 

It, however, gave off a warm homely feeling. The black brick didn't look menacing, just like a normal home with a bit of a twist.

Inside the bedroom of the castle, lay two men holding each other as they giggled, chatted and kissed. The brunette was just grinning sleepily as the blonde one was babbling on about an experiment he had done, which, oh so surprisingly, failed. The scars that littered his face were no longer hidden by the layer of black cloth,  none of the pair bothering to question or pester with them as that had been dealt with in the past.

Rythian and Duncan loved each other very much, everyone who came across the couple could instantly see that. However, you would of never of guessed the closest couple could have been the worst enemies. Who started a war. Who destroyed a world. Never in a million years.

The night flew by, forgetting the horrible memories of the world, as the couple kissed each other good night and cuddling closer together.

They were once enemies, but now they never leave each other's sight.

Requested by LilTawngyMouse on my DeviantART :3 


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