🍋Wistaria privilaged school 2🌶🌶🌶

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Oh my god! Oh my god! What am I going to do!
I had sex with Zen last night!

Iv took the day off nursing my wounded pride and the fact I can't face him. He is my nemesis and I slept with him! In a public place! Worst of all ........ I enjoyed it!

No no this can never happen again. I spend the day moping, last night flashes through my head and I have the urge to shower, even though Iv had two already! After eating my own weight in junk food, another two showers and only 3 hours of sleep I have to go to school the next day. I'm the president, I have no time to be off school....exams are next week and I need to study.

So I'm off to school the next day, I'm so jumpy that even my friends are concerned. As I head to class I see him, he is talking to some girls and I need to go past him. Holding my breath I try to quickly walk past, just when I thought I was clear
"Hey pres...feeling better?" Zen yells and I freeze on the spot.
"Yes thank you" I stutter before running off to class. My heart is beating out of my chest, is it going to be like this forever! I need to be strong and just ignore him, just ignore him.

Somehow the answer papers that were circulating around the school have come to a halt and everyone is now panicking as the papers now have all been changed. I'm glad that the issue has been sorted but I'm still curious as to who hacked the school system, and who stopped them. I planned on consulting the school pupil council tonight after school about it, but even they are in a panic and want to concentrate on studying. I put up flyers for after school studying and weekend study group, not that I think many will come but I think it would help the weaker pupils study.

Till the weekend I have successfully avoided Zen, iv been staying behind every night for study groups so that I won't see him going home. Gradually over the next two days my nerves have been a lot calmer and when I do see Zen I just avoid eye contact, but on a night in bed I remember and I get aroused. I want to touch....myself thinking of his touch.....remembering how he felt and........!

Cold showers and extra studying helps me out of me slump and the weekend arrives. I wait in the library gathering material for study group when the door opens and my heart sinks
"Zen! What are you doing here?" I yell
"Study group of course, it says anyone can come" he smiles waving my flyer in my face.
"You have been avoiding me miss press....." he sniggers getting into my personal space

"No I haven't, iv just been busy" I move away and concentrate on what I was doing, I just pray someone else comes, anyone! Even a vengeful ghost would do right now!
"You look nervous pres" he smiles trying to get closer but I just move away, but he gets frustrated and pins me between his body and the tables.
"What has you so uptight I wonder....." he breaths down my neck and my knees begin to lose strength.

"Sorry we are late" some other students come for the study group, I sigh in relief as Zen Tisks under his breath. He then leaves the room, meaning he only came here to tease me! That annoys me!
The study group goes on quite well and it's early evening before we know it.
"Thanks pres, this was a big help" one student calls before leaving. I'm happy how things turned out as I pack up and head home. I take the note books I borrowed back to the classroom I got them from, as I put them back on the teachers desk the door slams shut.

"Zen!" I gasp
"Your not running away this time" he growls
"Wh....what do..you mean? What do you want?" I ask nervously
"What do you think" he growls martching towards me, he grabs my arms and plant his lips on mine. I try to wiggle free, the teachers desk moves under our weight till it hits the wall behind us. Zen hands roam up my thigh and I push him hard.

"Stop it Zen" I yell, gasping for air. He then starts to undo his tie, his eyes look angrily at me.
"You dint say no last time" me mutters
"That....that's because...." I can't answer him, my throat dries up and my legs shake.
"Your mine, understand" he yells, I try to run but he grabs my arms and binds them with his tie.
"I'll make sure you remember, I'll fill you up so much and have you screaming my name!" He growls behind me. His words make me aroused, I want him to, but at the same time I must not let him do as he wishes.

"Please Zen..." I whisper, I don't have the strength to fight him.
"That's right, beg me! Beg me to fuck you" he whispers in my ear as he lifts me and shoves me onto my desk. Laid down he lifts my legs into the air and spreads them. My arms under me makes me uncomfortable as my finger tips go numb, he rips my shirt open before pulling away my panties.

"I love the fact you wear white, makes you look so innocent, but look at you now" he moans as he licks my inner thigh, all the way down to my exposed centre. Pushing his toung in, a new sensation fills my core
"Zen....I can't..." my head it still fighting even though my body have given up. He sucks at my sensitive bud and rubs it with his toung. I feel I may explode when he gets onto his feet, his shirt already open and pants falling off his hips exposing his member swollen and red.

"Zen,..my arms....they" I whimper, he stops as he looks at me, realising my whole body is on my arms he lets me roll off, only to slam me back on, my face hits the wood and my hips crash into the side. He slams into me hard, slapping my butt at random intervals. His hands hold my hips pulling me into him, the vibrations as his whole body slams into me causes a knot in my stomach again, I can feel it just like last time.

"Zen......I...." I try to say anything but his hand wraps around my throat carefully pulling me up.
"Say it, beg me to let you cum" he whispers in my ear before kissing and nibbling at my neck
"I...can't....Zen...." he slows down, he can't slam in deep as I'm stood upright, I try to bend back down but he has my bounded arms in one hand and my neck in the other.

"Beg me, tell me what you want.....shirayuki" he is close as his voice breaks, and it also breaks me
"Zen...I want to cum...please Zen...." I moan, his grip tightens around my throat before he pushes me back down. Going deep and hard his legs trembling as my high returns
"Zen....Ah Zen....Ah" fluid runs down my legs then he climaxes inside me, his voice deep as he succumbs
"Shirayuki.....Ah fuck...." his hips buckle as he flops over me, we both pant in time with each other, then he finally lets me loose.

"Till next time prez" he yells before leaving, I'm left feeling dirty but satisfied.

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