🍋Raji Shenazard🌶🌶🌶

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Iv ended my time with Star and her caravan, and I have been trying to build my life as a civilian. It started when I saw a job opening at a house keeper for the Shenazard family, looking after Rona and Eugenia
Iv been at the job now for a month and I like it, the twins keep me on my toes and with Joel giving me false documentation I'm enjoying my life as a normal person.

The twins are excited about the ball being held for the woman named Shirayuki, she is the "friend of the crown" and she is visiting Raji. Iv heard many stories about Raji, at first it was he was a moron, he dint care about anyone or anything, but recently he has changed and he have been more responsible for the kingdom, maybe he has just grown up, either way it's nice to hear of a Prince that wants to do his country proud.

At the ball, everyone is dancing, the twins are enjoying the food and the music.
"Dance with us Eden" Rona laughs
"Yeah dance with us.." Eugenia joins in
"Ok ok" laughing, the music playing was something I use to dance to all the time with the caravan. I do miss performing, as I shake my hips like i use to for the crowds, I feel everyone's eyes on me. I don't care, and the twin seem to enjoy how I'm able to move a strip of fabric to the music. They want me to teach them how to do it too, it's difficult due to their height but after cutting the fabric in half they look at me amazed.

"Wasn't that your sash?" Rona cries
"Why would you cut it? For us?" Eugenia worries
"It's alright, I can get more fabric for this dress" I smile, but then Prince Raji came over
"Are you two giving her a hard time?" He growls at his siblings
"No no I swear" Rona yells
"I did it on my own accord, sorry if this offended you" I bow trying to please him

"It's fine, as long as your fine with it" he says turning slightly red before walking off.
"Im sorry" I yell after him but he continues to walk away
"Don't worry about it, he is just shy" Sakaki smiles
I still feel a bit nervous but I let it drop for now.

The next day, after my morning rounds I head to my room to have a moments piece during my break. The twins are at their lessons and I usually use this time to have a moments piece. As I walk inside I notice a paper bag on my bed, inside I see a fabulous long piece of fabric similar to the one I used the night before. A note inside just says
"Don't let my sibling lead you astray" I know it's from Prince Raji, I decide to go and find him, to thank him. As I head to his quarters I can hear the violin, the song he is playing seems sad, almost like the song itself is lonely. Knocking on his door the sound stops, and the door opens

"Yes" he answers
"I...Erm...I just wanted to say thank you" I smile holding my gift
"Oh...your welcome" he replies
"It really is beautiful, thank you very much" I bow as I turn to leave, one of the guards that walks past I recognise him, but his face I can't seem to put a name to it. As I walk back to my room, my brain spinning trying to remember that's guards face. As I look through my belongings it clicks, he use to be part of an assassin group we use to work with from time to time, but why would he be here.

Dashing out I try to find that guard again, as I run to Prince Raji room to see if I can track him I notice a speck of blood on the ground a few rooms away from Prince Raji, inside is Sakaki  laying face down and his head bleeding. I check, he is still alive must of been knocked out, which makes me even more nervous.
I knock on Prince Raji room again, but no answer. Slowly I push the handle down, and it opens. As I peek through I see Raji being held up by his throat and the two guards I saw before inside.

"Lord Fieldmore sends is regards" the guard laughs before pulling out his sword.
"GUARDS HELP" I yell, hoping someone nearby will come, but my body moves on instinct, I still have hold of my sash, which I use to whip the first man in the face, he drops like a stone covering his face screaming in pain. I kick out at the one holding the Prince, kicking him straight inbetween his legs. He drops the Prince and he also drops to the floor.
"I think his balls inverted!" Raji yells in shock, soon enough some guards come and takes the imposters away.

"You saved my life" Raji says holding his neck.
"Are you ok?" I ask
"Thanks to you" he says, apt he guards ask me to come with them to make a statement. I told them I went to say thank you for the sash and saw the Prince being attacked, the rest was self defence. They seemed happy with my explanation, but that night I get summoned to Prince Raji room.

"Yes my Prince" I bow
"You had already thanked me for the sash, why did you come back?" He asks, and I try to think of something to tell him, I can't tell him I'm an ex assassin I'd lose my job even maybe my life.
"I...Erm...I..." I try to think but nothing comes
"Ha don't tell me your in love with me" he boasts, I'm not but I'm so flabbergasted by his announcement it's left me speechless
"Wel....ahem....I'm not like that anymore so....." he staggers, beetroot red

"Yes sir" I giggle, I can't contain how cute he is being right now. Trying to be a playboy when clearly he hasn't got a clue. I just smile Raji scratches his head trying to think of something to say
"Well I owe you my life so, name it and it's yours" he says dropping onto the couch. I want to see how far he will go to pull off this playboy act.
"Anything sir?" I ask as I bend in front of him
"Erm.....I..er...." he staggers, i rub my hands along his thighs up to the middle where he is starting to harden
"Maybe you could become my mistress" I tease as I pull out his member and begin to lick him
"That is......Ah" he moans trying to resist, but you can tell he is a virgin by the way he reacts. Taking him to the back of my throat I can see his hands bunch up into fists as he tries to hold back his voice.

"St...stop...I'm Ah..." it's too late, he fills my mouth with his hot cum, it was quick but still hot.
"I'm sorry, I....." he pants, standing up I begin to undress
"Wh..what are you doing?" He staggers, but his eyes looks at me up and down with such anticipation. Once I bare I straddle him, rubbing my wet centre along his shaft
"My Prince, do you want me to?" I ask, whispering in his ear, and he nods. Slowly I let him enter me, his hands on my hips shake as he goes deeper.

I stop for a second, to adjust, and then begin to move up and down, his innocent face really turns me on as he tries to keep his composure but deep down he wants to devour me.
"Prince Raji, it so good" I moan as I lean over and kiss his neck, his trembling hands roam up towards my ribs, I lean back so he can hold my breasts. A switch is flicked as he begins to suck on my nipples as he pulls me in close.

"Prince Raji, I'm gonna cum....Ah" it feels really good, his clumsy touch and his shy reserve makes me want to see him undone.
"Does it feel good?" I ask
"Yes" he gasps nodding his head several times
"Can I cum..." I cling to him begging for him to show some balls
"He.....no" he stammers
"Not until I cum" he grins and I almost lose myself

He lifts me up and throws me on the bed, as me mounts me he thrusts deep and hard
"I can't, I want to cum" I moan
"Oooh god I'm coming" he moans out loud
"Ah Ah" I scream loud so everyone know what's happening
"Oh god....Ah..Ah" he follows my volume as he fills me to the brim, my head goes dizzy as I soak him all in.

We lay still panting, basking in the glow
"You..don't have to leave ...do you?" He asks nervously
"No I'll stay with you my Prince" I answer.

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