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I'm on the run from Star and the caravan, I head towards the mountains hoping I can find a cave or something to hide in. I don't want to kill anymore, I want a normal life.....have kids, grow old etc I can't do that if my life is on the line constantly and I'm surrounded by death all the time.

Climbing up a wall of rocks, clinging to them like a spider I work my way up, with the others climbing up after me. I just need to reach the top then hopefully I can hide or run.......
My legs feel weak and wobbly, my arms hurt but finally I reach the top and I make a dash away from the cliff edge. Now running through a small wooded area I try to find somewhere to hide.
"Eden, you can't run!" I hear Star calling, they are not far behind and I begin to panic. Suddenly the woods end, and so does the ground as I stand over a huge waterfall....I'm trapped.

Star and the others emerge from the woods
"You have no where to go little mouse" Star sniggers at me. Some more people emerge, they are other assassins she must of recruited to find me.
"Leave me alone!" I yell taking a step back, I can feel the edge on my heel, they step closer to me meaning I only have one option left. Letting my body fall backwards I figured if I'm going to die, better off on my own terms this way will be quicker as Star will let my death be painful and long. As I fall I close my eyes and take a deep breath, my body slams into the water, I'm swirling being carried away by the current. I try to reach the surface but I can't my arms and legs are weak from the climb, I'm slammed into a rock and everything goes dark.

I feel a pain in my chest, then a warm sensation in my mouth. Again my chest feels like it might break then my mouth feels warm, suddenly water rushing up my throat I cough up the water that was in my lungs
"Are you alright!" A voice asks, as I gasp for air I hand pats my back.
"Take it easy, breath slowly...." the voice says says as my head feels like it may explode before I loose consciousness again.

This time when I open my eyes, it's dark, a small warm like fills my vision. I'm inside a cave, a fire crackles near me but I still feel cold.
"Where am I?" I whisper, my throat hurts and my heat is still banging.
I voice talks to me but I can't concentrate, I try to get on my feet but I wobble as my legs feel like jelly
"Hey take it easy" the voice yells, as I fall into a pair of arms. I suddenly remember who I am? What I was doing and who was after me. Paranoia hits me as I push the person away and I crawl as far as I can away.

"Hey I won't hurt you" the voice sounds masculine but the person standing in front of me looks like a girl.
"My name is Kazuki, I won't hurt you" she says softly
"How do I know?!" I yell. Kazuki stands with her hands in the air
"If I wanted you dead, I would of just left you in the river" she announces, she does have a point.
"....o....ok?" I whisper as I start to relax. Away from the fire I start to feel a chill, it's dark outside so it looks like I'm stuck here till morning, I begin to undress

"What are you doing?" She yells
"Drying my cloths, it's freezing wearing wet cloths" I reply as I strip to my undies. Sitting by the fire a start to warm up, but Kazuki looks nervous
"What's wrong, you have the same don't you" I ask
"Same what?" She yells frustrated
"Your body, it's the same as mine Isnt it" I reply

"IM A MAN!" She yells
"What?" I'm confused, she looks like a woman, I don't believe her. As I get up to inspect, grabbing her crotch area I feel a hard bulge
"Shit, sorry" I giggle
"That's ..... how do you...." he stutters
"Well is this the first time seeing a woman" I laugh
"No of course not" he says pouting

"I'm sorry, just you have a beautiful face" I smile as I sit next to him, flustered he drops beside me folding his arms
"Iv had that all my life, I even got sold as a slave because of my looks" he moans, I kinda feel sorry for him
"I'm sorry, truly I am" leaning in I give him a little nudge but he is still pouting
"Why don't we start again, my name is Eden, thank you for saving my life" holding my hand out he looks at me frowning, but eventually he takes my hand in recognition.

As we sit the fire goes low and I begin to shiver
"Your cloths still wet?" He asks
"Yeah" i dither, goosebumps travel round my body as I rub the skin. Kazuki takes off his shirt and hands it to me
"It's nothing weird about it, just don't want you catching a cold" he yells as his cheeks flush red
"Thank you Kazuki" I reply as I take his shirt and put it on. He then wraps an arm around me for extra warmth, my head leans on his chest and I can hear his heart beating so fast, it's kind of cute.

"Kazuki, your heart is beating so fast" I giggle
"Well I'm hugging a half naked beautiful woman of course I'm....." he mumbles on
"You think I'm beautiful?" I ask surprised
"Well.....yea of course" he smiles at me as his finger sweeps over my cheek. He is treating me like I would break at any moment.
"I'm not use to men being nice to me.....usually they are......" I don't really want to finish as bad memories flood my mind.

"Yeah I get it, I use to get men like that too" he whispers
"But your free now" he says upbeat
"Yeah right, the people chasing me, they will never let me be free" I mumble, feeling depressed
"Come with me then, I'll protect you" he yells
"What?" I asked confused
"I promise they won't hurt you again, you can be free" he says with happiness in his voice, but I feel like crying
"But then you'll be in danger, I can't do that" I cry, Kazuki takes my head and wipes my tears with his thumb

"It will be fine, trust me" he whispers, and my body moves on its own as I lean in and kiss him. We both stay frozen at first, but we then move closer to each other, and we kiss again, and again, then our toungs battle for room. Kazuki pushes me down and takes my undies from me
"I'll show you again I'm a man who will protect you" he growls as he kisses my breasts and works his way down to my thighs
"Kazuki...." I moan, my center aches for attention which he happily gives, his fingers traces the slit before entering. He goes straight for my favourite spot and teases it, lifting my hips he begins to suck on my clit as he continues to thrust his fingers.

"Kazuki.....mmmmmm" I do feel free at this moment, no one is around to hear us or disturb us,
"Kazuki, I want yours too" I plea, pushing him down I climb ontop of him
"Wait....is this...too soon...." he mumbles but as he slowly enters me the sound of pleasure escaping almost sent me over. I move ontop of him, waving my hips and rubbing my clit on his groin, he holds my hips tightly, eyes rolling moaning and trembling.
"Ah Ah so good...." I whisper as I lean forward, he brings his knees up and bucks up into me, we kiss taking in each others moans gasping for air but not wanting to stop.

I move with his thrusts pounding him deep inside me, a rush fills my body and I feel I tight knot winding up in me
"Stop...Eden...I'm ..." he moans
"I can't, I'm coming too" I moan back sitting up and leaning back. Kazuki raises his body to match mine, wrapping my arms around his neck I cling to him as I come hard over his thrusting cock.
"Ahh mmmmm Kazuki fuck" I scream as I get light headed and my body goes numb
"Ah...I'm..." soon I feel a warm hit inside me as his body convulses. We stay frozen, connected gasping for air, our hot breath mists in the cold night air.

Laying down we keep each other warm through the night. By morning I assume he would of gone, but a strong arm still wraps around me. As I try to move it wakes him up, blushing he holds me closer not wanting me to see his face
"Will you come with me" he whispers kissing my neck
"If...that's ok with you" I whisper back turning and kissing him, the kiss deepens and he lays me down for a second round.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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