🍈Wistaria General 2🌶🌶

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I meet up with Obi after I had left the directors office. The guilt in my stomach makes me feel ill, and what makes it worse is Zen made me feel good!

Obi walks me home noticing I'm not feeling well
"Are you sure your ok?" He asks for the 5th time
"Yeah just been a long day thats all" I lie. I just want to get home have a shower and forget the whole thing.

"Ok, how about we rearrange for weekend?" Obi asks, he is such a lovely boyfriend, I don't deserve him.
I nod and give him a kiss, then I run into my apartment to throw up.

I take the next few days off, and staying in bed I slowly begin to feel better. I'm starting to miss Obi, which is good and Zen hasn't crossed my mind.

Feeling I can start a fresh I head to the spa baths to completly refresh myself. Obi and I are going out tomorrow so I want to erase any remanence of Zen! There I can hear some of the other customers getting treatment

"Have you heard that the new director of the hospital has canceled his wedding to that Kiki girl....you know the daughter of that corporation" one claims whispering loudly
Zen was engaged to someone?! And he still did that?!

Just when I was starting to feel like myself again just hearing his name makes me want to throw up again.

I decide to call it a day and head back home. However I get a call from Garrack
"Shirayuki, there is an emergency, I know it's your weekend off but we asking all hands on deck. A train has fallen off the tracks!"

Oh no!
"Of course I'll be right there" I do a 180 and head to the hospital. Running in I grab my nurses shirt, no time to completely change, and head onto the ward.

It's chaotic! Patients are coming in with a wide variety of injuries. Getting my scrubs on I head to one Ryuu points me too.

As I'm trying to get a vein to attach a catheter the patient thrashes around making it difficult.
"Please try to relax" I try to calm the patient
"IT HURTS IT HURTS!!" A teenager girl screams. That is till I feel a presents behind me.

"Please miss, your making it harder on my staff" Zen announces. He comes in and takes the girls hand
"Just keep looking at me and it will be over in no time" he say smiling. I take the opportunity and get the catheter into the vein.

Able to get pain meds into her I'm able to attend to the patient. The patient falls asleep and Zen gets up to leave. But before he does he leans over into my ear
"My office when your done" he whispers before leaving.

I can feel the anger building in me. Like Hell im going, he can sack me for all I care!
I work through the night, I head to the stair well to call Obi when I have a moment

"You want a movie night in instead?" He repeats my request
"The train accident, I'm at the hospital now been here for 5 hours already and I doubt I'll be getting home anytime soon so ......" I explain

"Oh yeah it's just come on the morning news, of course, we will order in and relax tonight then" he is so understanding I love him so much

"Take care" he says
"I love you so much Obi" I whisper
"I love you more" he replies before hanging up
As I get up from the steps to head back I see Zen standing at the top of the stairs looking pissed

"What?" I spit barging past him
"Your mine remember!" He growls grabbing my arm and pushing me against the wall. He pushes his body onto mine, his lips are so close I can feel his heat on my lips

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