🍋Izana Wistaria🌶🌶🌶

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Our Mission :
Assassinate Izana Wistaria


The team and I head to the city of Clarines. We are to assassinate the first prince.
First we need to get inside the palace and get eyes on the target.

Luckily there is a festival at the palace and we can sign up to perform, if we are picked we get to perform in-front of the prince.
We in the que to sign the papers

"Ugh so board" Joel complains
"Shut up" star shouts frustrated
We all are
Standing waiting on edge about the kill
And the guy who paid us is a bit shady too but money is money

As we stand around the first and second princes come to check out the acts available
The second prince, Zen I think his name is, seems nice and chatty

However the first prince, Izana, seems cold and ruthless
But wow he has beautiful eyes as he stands arms crossed looking down at everyone I don't know whether I would kiss him or slap him

"Wow what a hunk" star gushes
"I'd say, shame for someone so beautiful to be the target" Joel adds licking his lips
Leif is always quiet as normal, he pays no attention and stands in for us while we wet our lips over the prince

Suddenly his eyes fall on us, unlike the other two I find it uncomfortable being spotted undressing someone with their eyes and so I decide to stand with Leif

"It's going to be a long day" I sigh, Leif just nods in agreement
"Which group are you with?" Someone asks, as I turn to answer, no other then the first prince Izana stands above me

"Erm....." he takes me got me off guard, why is he talking to me?
"She is with us your Grace, we are the Elementalists" Star announces as she and Joel do i little dance to show off their moves

The prince watches them for a breif moment before he is back looking at me. He just stares at me, not saying a word
"Beautiful" I hear him whisper before clearing his throat and walking away leaving me confused and uncomfortable

Once we have signed up we wait in the square till a list is put up with the acts that have been chosen
"WE NOT IN!!!" Joel cries
It's not the end of the world but does make our job a bit harder

The feast starts and the other acts tend to entertain the commenters in the square. To keep up appearances we do a few acts. I'm in the middle of my fire dance when I swear I saw Izana among the crowd, but I look again and he gone

I swear it was him. I continue with my dance when I'm sure I spot him again?!
But this time he is standing there watching me dance.
Im dancing as normal-batons on fire, a drum that I bang on that send embers flying that the others dance with sometimes

Star plays a fiddle and the boys are dancing. But Izana eyes seem to be on me dancing with my batons
As our act come to an end everyone claps and the children always like Leif and ask him to do things being a contortionist. Not that he minds, he loves kids. I hang back with him I like to teach the kids not to play with fires when Izana stands amongst the children

"Your grace" I bow
"Should you not be inside with your guests?" I ask out of curiosity
"I can do as I please" he mumbles
I shrug and turn my back to him
He may be handsome but that attitude is enough to get him killed alone

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