🍋Mitsuhide Lowen🌶🌶🌶

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Our mission:
Kidnap Zen second Prince of Clarines

We are in the city of Clarines
We are to kidnap the second prince of Clarines, Zen Wisteria. Keep him hostage till the buyer can get the ransom for him

We have been organised to perform at the palace for an event. I'm singing while the others get hold of Zen.

However by the end of the event Zen and his guard never left the hall, he was infront of me the whole time so we were never able to get him alone

"That was POINTLESS!!" Star screams angrily
"How do we get him alone?" Joel questions
"We need to get rid of that guard!!" Star says downing her drink.

"You know..." Star stares at me with an evil grin
"That guard never took his eyes off you"  I think I know where this is going and I know I'm not going to like it

"Eden, why don't you get to know that body guard a bit better" Star smiles and I feel a bubble burst in my stomach
"Why me!!" I yell
"Because he was so into you!" Joel starts to join in and i find myself outnumbered

"Leif please be on my side!" I beg
"Sorry love, but they have a point" I sigh in disappointment
"Ugh" I moan knowing this will not end well


I'm heading into the market, to gather information about the Princes and their personal assistants. That's when I notice the body guard walking around with the prince and two other women.

I may not be able to do anything if he has already got a partner
"Who is that?" I ask a vendor at the market whom seems to be happy enough to gossip
"Ah thats Mitsuhide the prince per...." she says and I zone out as he looks in my direction.

Our eyes catch each other and he blushes which is kinda cute
"Oh he has his eye on you, trust me I can tell" the gender brings me back into the conversation

"He probably has a girlfriend so..." I mumble picking out some apples
"Oh I don't think so love, I think he is single" she says counting my apples
"You should ask him out, here take him this apple on the house" she says handing me a bright red apple

"Oh that's ok, I don't think a low traveler would be suited to a knight like him" I blush. I thank the woman and take my goods

A girl and a boy bump into me and I drop all my apples. The kids begin to cry and the vender which I assume is their mother scolds them

"It's ok here, do you like sweets" I ask and they nod
"I got this sweet bread but got too much, can you help me?" I ask handing them half a loaf to share. They smile and run off again. I cant help but smile, I love kids.

A man stands infront of me and my apples still on the floor block his path
"Dam, sorry...." as I bend to pick them up another hand joins mine, I look up to see Mitsuhide staring back at me
"Sorry it's my fault" he says smiling helping me pick up my apples

"Thank you, Erm take one as a thanks" I hand him an apple
"Oh no it's ok" he blushes
"Please I insist" I plant a kiss on one of the apples and hand it to him
I give him my most seductive smile and turn to leave

"Hey!! What's your name?" He yells but I play hard to get and continue on my way. Back at the caravan I give an update to Star, but she is not happy that I did not get close to him

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