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Iv left Star and the caravan, and I have been taken in my the mountain lions.
Iv only been with them for a few months but I have found my place within the group, and I feel at peace. The people here are friendly, I worry Star will try to find me to bring me back or kill me for leaving but the killing ...... I can't do it anymore.

The people here don't ask much about my past, but one guy keeps his eyes on me, Itoya. He suspects me for something, not that I blame him but if I keep my head down hopefully I can be fully accepted. I like to help in the kitchens, I found a new passion in cooking and I'm really good with a knife so cutting food is really quick for me.

One day I'm helping some of the others with the washing as I gather bed sheets, usually people just leave their washing outside their tents to be collected however Itoya seems to have forgotten to do so. I know the rule is not to go into other peoples tents but I'm only collecting washing, if I'm quick no one will know. Going inside it's clean and tidy, as I expect from him, stripping his bed, I remake his bed and gathering anything else I can see I'm just about to leave when I hit a body.

"What are you doing?" Itoya growls unimpressed.
"Sorry, I was just....." I stutter
"Don't go in my room! Understand!" He yells, and I can't help but back down. He barges past me and I'm left feeling depressed and agitated
"Well if you left the washing like everyone else..." I mumble to myself when a hand grabs my collar and I'm pulled backwards
"What did you say!" He growls at me, I summon what courage I had
"I said!...." I go to push in away, but he still had hold of my collar, as he falls backwards my dress rips and my back is exposed.

He stands, eyes wide open at my scared back from the beatings and lashes I received from my training to be an assassin. I can't move, frozen I keep my front covered with the washing I'm still holding.
"I'm...Ah..." Itoya stutters, obviously in shock how ugly my scars are
"I'm sorry.....I....Just leave me alone!" I cry, tears running down my face as I flee his tent. Running past the others with my back shown I hide in my tent I was given. Sobbing as I change my cloths, I take deep breaths and calm myself.

I take the washing I have to the washing hole, it's a row of buckets near a stream close to the camp. I fill up a bucket and begin my chores, I'm the only one today, and the air is so fresh up here in the mountains, I enjoy listening to the birds as I scrub sheets. We use the trees and a line set up to hang the washing, the sheets whip the space around me as the cool breeze rushes through the valley.

As I. Packing up to head back to camp, there's a footstep close by.
"Who is there?" I warn, and to my horror it's Star that emerges from the bushes, Joel and Leif emerge from either side of me and they all look pisses.
"Finally found you, my little Eden" Star smirks, my heart drops to my stomach.
"What are you doing here!" I yell in a defensive stance ready to fight for my life
"Let's talk back at home, what do you say?" She holds her hand out to me, but I take a step back
"I left! I won't be going back, I'm happy here" I plea at her, but I know she is not going to care.

Star nods her head at the others, and they advance at me, I try to defend myself the best I can, but they know my moves and they are in it to get me one way or another, no holding back I kick Leif into the stream but Joel grabs me from behind. I throw him over my shoulder when Leif kicks me hard in the ribs and I fall to the ground. Star walks over to me and grabs my cloths, he lifts my head and begins to punch me in the face.

"You know what the rules are, you can only leave if your dead" she grunts after another swing
"She never obeys any rules then...." a familiar voice echos, Itoya rushes at Joel and Leif and he easily takes them out. He is so fast and agile it's amazing to watch.
"Who the fuck are you cutie" Star giggles as she attacks him holding her two knives. She swings at him but he dodges quickly and kicks her away.
"I don't normally hit girls, but if you attack a member of the mountain lions your an enemy and I will not show mercy" he announces as Star lands on all fours

"Leave!" Itoya yells, Star knows she is no match for him without the boys and they are knocked out. She yells in frustration
"I will distroy you Eden!" She yells as Itoya picks me up in his arms and walks away
"They will follow!" I warn him, coughing the blood and dust from my lungs
"If they do, they will be met head on" he says as he walks through the rocks and grass back to camp. He takes me to his tent and lays me on his bed

"I'll be right back" he says before leaving, but my body moves on its own as I grab his sleeve.
"I'll be right back I promise" he whispers before running out. I can't remember what happens after that, I laid back and my eyes were so heavy that I fell asleep. When I woke up Itoya was sitting next to me
"How long was I out?" I ask
"Few days" he answers bluntly
"Few days! What happened?" I yell
"Don't worry it's sorted, they won't be bothering you anymore" he says as he tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Thank you...." I whisper and he actually grins at me. After that I stay in Itoya bed for the rest of the week, and when the doc says it's fine for me to get up the boss plans a celebration. I'm surrounded by food, drink and flowers all in front of a huge bonfire. Music is playing and I want to dance, getting up I grab Itoya hand and begin to dance with him, he is a bit stiff but he smiles at me.

As the night progresses I start to feel tired
"Maybe I should go back to my tent" I yawn
"Not right now, I still need to keep my eye on you" he says, and before I can protest he picks me up and carries me back into his tent and into his bed. Clinging to him I feel warm and fuzzy inside, but I cling for too long and as he tries to move away he falls forward onto me.
"I'm sorry....I...." he stutters, his eye look deep into mine, I can't help but run my finger down his scar on his face, then for some strange reason I kiss it.

He looks at me shocked, then the shock turns to lust as he leans forward and kisses me lightly on my lips. I swing my arms around his neck and pull him in for a deeper kiss, our bodies press up against each other as our toungs tangle with each other. My hands roam down his back, across his hips and to his belt buckle which I begin to undo.
"Eden.... you don't...." he whispers
"I want you" I whisper back as I take hold of his hips and push him to one side. Sitting inbetween his legs I begin to lick his cock, it tastes clean like he has recently washed it for me. Licking every part I work my way down to his super clean balls and suck on them as I stroke him, his hands grip the bed sheets as he succumbs to the pleasure, biting his lip to stop any noise coming out.

"Does it feel good Itoya?" Asking with a cheeky grin, I harden my grip and take him to the back of my throat and a small moan escapes his mouth. I can feel myself building up in my stomach, the noise he makes are erotic that I just want him inside me. I keep going till his legs start trembling and his body begins to twist and turn.
"Itoya, I'm so wet here" taking his hand I place his fingers at my wet centre as I lift my dress off, his eyes roam my whole body as I take off his top and pull his pants away. His fingers gently stroke me over my undies, then he wraps an arm around me gently pulling me down onto the bed. My undies are then removed and he situates himself at my entrance.

Slowly he pushes past my lower lips,  burying deep into me, I can't help but gasp. I can hear him grunt as he tries to hold himself together, leaning forward he kisses me, his hips begin to move faster little by little till we both can't take no more.
"Harder, Itoya...do whatever you want" I moan
"Are you sure?" He whispers and I nod

Suddenly out of no where he plunges deep and hard that I though he hit my stomach, continuing to push harder and deeper into me my whole body bucks as my back arches he wraps an arm around my hips pulling me up so he can go faster.
"Itoya....Ah" the moans leak out of me, his breath becomes erratic and then a loud moan escapes his mouth
"Oh...Ah..Ah...humph....." his voice alone makes me want to cum
"Eden....Ah..Ah...I'm...Ah..can't hold it" he moans
"Itoya I'm coming! Coming!" I can't hold back any longer, the pure force of his thrusts bursts a dam in me as fluid drips from me and runs down my arched back.

"Eden....ahhhhh" he cums inside me, the mixture of my and his heat fills my insides as my body convulses through the pleasure. He drops beside me as we catch our breath.
"That was.....amazing" i pant
"Stay here, with me" he asks as I crawl into his arms and hold him tight
"Yes please" I whisper as I slowly drift asleep.

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