Jasper (2)

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Driving to school with the Aldine twins was pretty enjoyable. We actually had a lot of fun on the way. That fun ended when we got out of the car and went into the school, however. Especially since somehow Levi was nowhere to be seen. "Hey, where's Levi? We've only been in here for three minutes."

"Uh... I'm not sure. He probably just went to his first class already," Luke answered. And that's when we saw him getting bullied right near his locker. Two guys were tossing his books back and forth while another was holding Levi back so there was no possible way he could get his books again. That's where us being basketball players comes in. Luke jumped up and quickly caught his brother's books, and I got the guy off of Levi.

Considering Luke is kind of terrifying when he's mad, he scared off the assholes pretty quickly. "Hey, sorry about them. Here's your books though, if they bother you again, let me know, okay?" Luke said handing Levi his stuff. I smiled and gave him a quick pat on the back.

"Thank you," Levi mumbled with a tiny smile. He then turned around to his locker and got out the books he would need for first period, and hurried away.

"Ugh, I'm so tired off people picking on him. Don't they realize it isn't worth it? I wish everyone was just kind to each other, that would make the world a hell of a lot easier," Luke said making his way to our lockers, which just so happen to be next to each other.

"Yeah, people suck. Does Levi have any friends?" I asked, "Every time I see him he's alone. Even at lunch."

"I don't think so. That's another thing, he needs to talk to people more. I guess it makes sense why he doesn't if they all treat him like that, but I'm sure there are at least a few who wouldn't."

"Oh for sure. There are a ton who would be nice to him. It also doesn't make a lot of sense why you're so popular and yet someone who looks a lot like you and acts like you in quite a few ways isn't." That's one thing that I've actually always found odd, right from when I met Levi for the first time. He doesn't deserve the way he's being treated.

"I know. That annoys me also. We need to get him to talk to people. Maybe even date someone?" Luke asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"He doesn't seem all that interested in dating. He never even mentions girls other than your guys' older sister, and she's not considered a girl since, um, well, sister," I said, referring to the twins' older sister, Isobel. She's in college, and is also 1000 miles away, which is a pity because she's also pretty hot. Okay, I really can't be thinking my best friend's sister is hot. That always turns out bad.

"True...we'll figure it out." Right then, the bell rang, signaling its time for first period.


Lunch came rolling around, and me and Luke sat at our usual table with the basketball team. I glanced around the room to see if I could spot Levi. I finally found him sitting alone in the far corner of the cafeteria. Just when I was about to get up to talk to him, I heard a feminine voice behind me. I turned around to find a beautiful girl beaming at me.

"Hey, Jasper. I'm Maya. I was wondering if you wanted to maybe hang out sometime?" She has dark skin, box braids, and deep brown eyes.

Deciding that maybe it was time I said yes to a girl for once, considering I get asked the same question at least once everyday, I agreed. She seemed very nice and was certainly gorgeous. We exchanged numbers, and she went back to her own table. I waved after her.

"So...new girl?" Luke said with a smirk.

"Uh, didn't you just see that she only asked me out five minutes ago? We exchanged numbers, not ring sizes." I get touchy when it comes to the subject of my relationships. I like to keep those details to myself.

"She's pretty, and seems to genuinely like you, unlike some girls who just want to get free party invites and unlimited attention." And, another problem. The popularity chasers. Girls will ask us out just because they know they'll get attention and popularity. It's pretty annoying. Then again, the cheerleaders have the same problem. Occasionally there are girls that ask them out also. Same over here. We get guys as well. Thank God nobody's rude about it when someone the same sex asks us out though. If they were, I would not be happy. Actually, I don't think any of us would be.

"Yeah, Maya is probably safe."

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