Luke (8)

19 1 51

"Wait," I called, hoping I would catch Levi before he went upstairs. Luckily, I did.

"Yeah?" He asked, rounding the corner of our hallway leading upstairs and the kitchen.

"Do you want to come tomorrow? Like, not to the party, but just with me and my friends. It's going to be me, Kieran, Zander, Jasper, Andrew, and Demitri."

"No girlfriends?"

"Nope. Kier is an only child also, so no siblings or anything. Just us," I assured him.

"That's still a lot of people...a lot of which I've never met..."

"They're great. Please? It would be cool if you knew them." Agree, I'm begging you, agree.


He was about to say no, but I cut him off, "Seriously. I think you'll like them. And they'll definitely say yes if I ask them if you can come. Plus, you know some. Me obviously, Jasper, and of course Zander. You like him." Zander is our neighbor. He lives across the street from us. He's also known us since we were three, and we're currently 17.

"I do, but still."

"Please," I said in a begging tone. He may not realize it, but he's kind of my best friend, and I really want him to meet my group. "I'll drop you off before the party."

"...Okay," Levi finally agreed.


"Yes. I'll go."

"Yes! I'll text and ask them. We're leaving at 1:00."


No surprise they said yes, so we're currently in the car me and Levi share, on our way to Kieran's.

"I'm scared," Levi said, barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Don't be. They'll like you, you'll like them, and everything will be fine. I promise. I'm proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone though. That's good," I said with a small smile.


"No problem, bro."

Shortly, we arrived. I had some trouble getting Levi out of the car, and once I did, I noticed we were a little bit late, considering everyone else's car was here. "Come on. You'll be fine," I assured him. "If they're rude or annoying or anything negative I will kick their sorry ass, okay? Seriously, it'll be fine." That earned a small chuckle from him, which was just enough to get him to the doorstep.

I opened the door, just to be immediately greeted with a, "Aldine's here. Took you long enough," Zander yelled from upstairs.

"We're coming, idiots," I yelled back. Dragging Levi up the stairs, I was started to hear the laughs and video game noises, and my brother cussing under his breath. I had heard that from the time we left the house, though.

Thankfully, we did make it to Kier's bedroom. "Hey, guys," I said walking into the room, which I continued with, "This is my brother, Levi." He did a small wave.

"Hi, Levi," Zander said, not bothering to look away from his game. He got killed soon after, however, which caused him to hand the controller to Kier.

"Hey, it's nice to meet you," Demitri said, Andrew nodding in unison. Kieran smiled at him and waved.

"You too," Levi said quietly.

"So, you know those people," I said pointing to Jasper and Zander, who were now laughing at some video of a kid trying to ride a goat. I then pointed to the people he didn't know and continued, "That's Kieran, aka Kier, Demitri, aka Mitri, and Andrew, aka Andy."

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