Luke (18)

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Well, I was right. Levi likes Jasper.

And it most certainly is not one-sided.

From what I could tell, they were trying to say that they liked each other and were going to start dating. This of course made me extremely joyful. Levi when he's around Jasper, is like he used to be before mom and dad became more distant, and Oscar and Isobel left for college. And what he used to be is happy. Along with the dramatic, snarky, sarcastic person that he is, Levi has a very kind heart and would do anything for anyone he cares about. It's the same way with Jasper. The absolute perfect way to describe them is: a bitch on the outside, and a puppy on the inside. Probably why they're so perfect for each other, also.

Currently, it is Monday after school. I'm waiting for Sage in the library, where we are going to meet and then we're walking to a park nearby to do our studying. Apparently, he's bringing his friends also. He said they wouldn't bother us though, and instead would most likely mess around on the swings or climb the trees and push each other off of them. When he said that, I was very close to asking what the deal with pushing each other off of potentially 15 feet off the ground branches was. I didn't, though.

"Hey, popular boy who's almost failing English. And did I hear that you're having trouble in pre calculus also?" Sage asked walking up to me. I noticed four figures waiting by the doorway.

"You heard right," I said, looking at my shoes. What an interesting design... I like the Converse logo on the inside, how fascinating...

"I'm sorry. But, if you want I can help with that also?" He offered.

"No, it's okay. I'll ask Levi if I need to. Thanks, though."

"No problem, ragazzo d'oro." (Golden boy)

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that," I remarked as we walked towards his friends.

"You did. I can stop calling you that if it really bothers you. I'm sorry if I offended you," Sage said.

"Whatever. Call me what you want, I've been called much worse in my life."

"Okay. Well, Luke, meet my friends. Ian, Natalie, Payton, and Oakley," he said, gesturing to the group.

"Hi, nice to meet you," I said with a wave. They said hello back, and we started walking to Honor Park. It has playgrounds, walking trails, picnic benches, and even a few shops and restaurants. We were going to the benches to work. I didn't pay much attention to Sage's friends, they were all clustered together anyway. It seemed like a waste.

We arrived at the park after a walk that lasted about ten minutes. Me and Sage found a few tables under a shelter, while his friends did as Sage said they would, and went on the swings and the trees. That's when I noticed that they really enjoy climbing things. Sounds like Zander and Kieran...

The two of us worked for around a hour and a half, and he after invited me to hang out with his friend group and get food. I agreed, and texted Levi to say that I wouldn't be home for dinner. His friends eventually came and sat down at our table with us. I was next to Payton, a non-binary person with bright purple hair and matching purple earring studs. Wow, they really like purple. But don't get me wrong, they looked awesome.

I also saw two gorgeous guys, who made me question my sexuality for the second time in less than a week. Ian, one of the guys, had dark brown eyes and dark skin. He was around Levi's height, so about 5'8" or 5'9" and was wearing a red crop top and sweatpants. Meanwhile, Oakley, the other boy, had light blond hair and gray eyes. He wore a tight dark green tee shirt that showed off highly defined abs, and black ripped jeans. I felt like I had zero style compared to Sage and his beautiful friends. Like, Sage was wearing a tight sweater with navy jeans, rings, chains, and a tan jacket. How do these people who are still juniors in high school look so damn good all the time? These guys looked like supermodels, along with Natalie and Payton.

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