Jasper (17)

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Mine and Levi's faces were incredibly close to each other. I would've pulled away, but my body froze. I also wanted to kiss him very badly. Knowing that my hands would probably do whatever they wanted without being occupied, I grabbed Levi's bedsheets. Wasn't exactly ideal, but it would have to do.

The weird part was, Levi looked like he was panicking. He too, was frozen, and played with the hem of his tee shirt. His face though, was full on panic. His mouth was open a bit, and his gorgeous ocean blue eyes that I've come to love were widened. He looked to be on the same state that I was: confused and longing.

We stayed like that until we were eventually able to function and pulled away from each other. Once we did though, I missed being that close to him. "So..." I started.

"That was..." he trailed off.



"Yeah," I said with a nod.

"That was the closest I've ever been to anyone," he said.

"Really? So, you've never kissed anyone?"

Chuckling, he asked, "Are you actually surprised?"

"Kind of," I replied.



"Why? I'm a shy nerdy outcast who never talks to anybody except for in group projects," he said.

"I guess. I don't know how people don't find you cute, though."

"So, what you said earlier about finding me attractive wasn't a joke?" He asked, sounding astonished.

"No," I deadpanned. "You really think I would say that just for the hell of it?"

"I thought you were messing with me."

"Nope. You actually are really cute."

"Oh..." he said. I don't think he knows that I saw the wide smile he was trying to hide. "You're also cute," he said in a quiet tone.

"Thank you," I said with a grin.

"But, what now?" He asked, looking up.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...what do we do next?"

"Well, it's up to you. There are many things. It all depends on..." I paused, trying to come up with a way to say it. "Your feelings."

"Huh?" He asked with a confused face, which may have been the most adorable thing I have ever seen.

"I'm just going to go ahead and say it," I said, grabbing one of his hands, "I like you. I have for a little while now, and I don't think these feelings are going to go away anytime soon. You're smart, cute, funny, and kind. I love being around you."

He sat there with his jaw open, and stared blankly at me. After a few minutes he said, "Wow. Okay."

I laughed, and said, "I don't want to pressure you to do anything you don't want. I don't care if you don't like me back, I just want you to be happy."

Again, he stared. Then said, "Actually, I like you too. Pretty much since I met you."

Now, it was my turn to stare. Slowly, I felt a smile creep onto my face. I then tackled him into a hug. We were both laughing. It was great. I was the happiest I had been in a while.

"Wait. Your brother," I said, realizing this was either going to be very good or very bad.

"Oh God, what's he going to say when he finds out I like his best friend?" Levi said covering his face with his hands.

"Well, he already knows I like you. I told him when I slept over a while ago."

"Hm. That's a little better. We should just tell him right now and get it done with."

I agreed, and we made our way to Luke's room. We opened the door, while he raised an eyebrow at us. "Hi...need something?" He asked.

"Um, no. Just need to tell you something," Levi said.

"Okay. Shoot," he said, sitting up from his bed.

"We like each other," me and Levi said at the same time. I added, "And that's it."

"Finally! I was wondering when you guys were going to get together, it was so fucking obvious. Y'all are terrible at hiding feelings," he said with a shake of his head. "I did know about Jasper, though."

"Yes, he told me," Levi said whilst grabbing my hand. I started rubbing circles on the side of it.

"Yeah. Well, I'm really happy for you guys. Are you gonna tell the school?" Luke asked.

"I don't know. This all just happened, like, ten minutes ago. We haven't really discussed much."

"Hm. Okay. I think you should come out. Claremont is accepting, and imagine how happy our friends will be. That's going to be amazing."

"We'll talk about it," I answered.

"Okie. Oh, and Jas?" He asked, standing up.


Then, he grabbed my collar and shoved me against the wall. I let out a groan of pain, since that really fucking hurt. Once I had gained my composure again, I asked, "What the hell was that for?"

"To show you what will happen if you hurt my brother," he said casually. "Only, add me punching, kicking, and a lot of blood."

I chuckled, then said, "Thanks for the warning. I appreciate it. But, it isn't necessary because that's what's going to happen to anyone who dares to lay a finger on him. I will help you put them in the hospital, that's for sure."

"Um, guys. I'm right here, y'know," Levi said from the doorway.

"Oh. Right. Okay, see you around, Luke," I said with a wave. He waved back, then closed his door.

We went back to Levi's room, just so we could relax. Kind of. I wanted to kiss him, but he didn't need to know that. We sat down on his bed, and I went the closest to him that I could without making it obvious I wanted to kiss the living daylights out of him.

We watched a movie, and ten minutes in we were already cuddling. His head was nuzzled into my neck, and my arm was wrapped around his waist. After a few more minutes, I built up a bit of confidence and kissed him on his forehead. He smiled in response. Levi then kissed me on my cheek. He's so adorable.

The movie ended, and we were in the same position throughout the entire thing. It was very comfortable. Afterwards, we talked about our lives to learn some more about each other. I learned that his favorite sibling is Oscar, because of his confidence and determination. Apparently, Isobel is Luke's favorite because she is kind and encouraging. I also discovered that Levi is the older twin, and the two brothers argue about it all the time. Classic twins.

Then, we started talking about our romantic lives. I told him about having girls swarm around me wherever I go, just because I have money, I'm good looking, and I'm popular. I was hesitant to tell him that because he might think that I'm going to play him like I do with most girls, but he seemed to believe me when I said I would never do that to him. Plus, the only reason I did it to girls was because I learned that they didn't want me, but instead sex and expensive gifts.

When it came time to talk about his dating life, he simply said, "It's nonexistent." Apparently, he has never dated nor kissed anybody. It made me happy knowing that I was going to be the first. Anyway, it was really nice talking to him. He's very funny, witty, and just enough sarcastic for his personality to be perfect. He is perfect.

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