Luke (12)

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"Luke, wake up," Jasper said, shaking me awake.

"Grumph. Fine," I replied as I sat up. "What time is it?"

"9:00 am. I want breakfast."

"Why do you get up so early, even on weekends?"

"9:00 is not early. Not late, but not early either. Anyway, let's get food," he said as he walked out of my room.

I crawled out of bed, squinting at the sun that was shining through the dark gray curtains. I chose to wear a red tee shirt with light blue ripped jeans. I would be changing later anyway, because of the date.
I then remembered that Jas was going on a date with a girl that likes him a lot and seems good for him, when he certainly does not like her back. Poor girl.

"Hey there, bedhead," Jasper greeted me as I walked into the kitchen.

"My hair is really that messy?" I asked, walking over to the small mirror we have in the dining room. "Oh yeah, hm. Meh. I'll fix it later, too lazy to take care of it right now. Want to make pancakes?"


"We can bring some to Levi, too. He'll be up in another three hours."

"So, your entire family are late sleepers?" He asked.

"Nope. Mom and dad get up at 6:00am for their work. They're scientists who have an obsession for experimenting with fire and explosives. Not in work of course. But they get home around 4:30 or 5:00 and we usually help mom out with dinner. Dad does some of the cleaning while we're doing that. Then, after dinner we do whatever other chores need to be done and disperse to our own rooms."

"But it's a weekend. So, even if they get up early on weekends also, where the hell are they right now?" He asked, mixing the batter for pancakes.

Getting a pan from the hooks, I replied, "Well, they've probably had breakfast already, so maybe in their room watching TV or reading the news. Potentially doing work if they have some leftover."

"How do you not know for sure?"

"We just don't really have a huge connection with them. None of the four of us have, for varying reasons. Oscar probably because he's so much different from them, same with me. Isobel is because they were forcing her to be someone she didn't want to be. Levi because he had a lot of pressure to be the smart, nice, golden child. I miss my siblings, though," I admitted, a bit sadly. "Isobel is in Boston and Oscar is in Manhattan. I haven't talked to them in a little while. They're both busy. I just want to see them," I said, my voice cracking bit. I barley cry, so Jasper was surprised for a second, but took it well.

After a few seconds, I was a water fountain. I felt awkward for randomly crying, and just turned away for second. I felt Jas hug me from the side for a minute. "Christmas break is soon, so you'll see them then, right?" He asked.

"Bella might come back, but Oscar may not. He's pretty busy with work," I answered.

Right then, I heard Levi enter the kitchen. He looked between me and Jasper, and walking over he asked, "What happened here?"

"I miss Bella and Osc, and got a little emotional realizing I haven't talked to them recently. The fact that Oscar probably won't come back for Christmas didn't help, either," I replied.

"Yeah. I miss them a lot too. Not sure why, because they made bullying me a part of their daily routine," he said with a small laugh, "But they were awesome. And I think Oscar will be back. Of course I can't guarantee that, but you never know. Also, I'm hungry, give me food."

"Yes, let's make some pancakes, shall we?" Jasper asked smiling.

"Let's try not to burn them in the process," I added.

"We're not that bad... kind of."

"I'll get the fire extinguisher ready," Levi joked. "If you two burn the house down, at least I will have an excellent conversation starter. Oh, imagine the crowd I would get when I tell the story of how my brother and his best friend burnt our house down while I was inside. I can also do an impersonation of the fish when I'm running them outside and they're sloshing all over."

"Ha ha, very funny. And uh, the fire extinguisher is in the front coat closet," I replied, pouring the batter we had made earlier onto the pan.

Later, we ate our pancakes, which were surprisingly not burnt, and Levi agreed to hang out with us for a while. Now knowing that Jasper likes Levi, I was doing pretty much everything I could to give Jasper a time to confess his feelings. He didn't go for any of them, however. I wasn't too surprised.

At around 4:00, we started getting ready for our date. We tried our best to keep the fact that Jasper had a date also from Levi, considering everything. Jasper chose a black long-sleeved shirt with dark blue jeans and his dress boots. I was wearing a gray button down with black skinny jeans and combat boots. We looked moderately okay, which really is the best we were going to get for the two of us. How do girls find us attractive when all we wear are jeans and tee shirts all the time?

Thankfully, Levi didn't see us walk out. He knew I had a date and obviously Jasper had to go home at some point, and for all I'm concerned, that's all he needs to know. We picked our girls up, who also got ready together, and started our way to the restaurant.


Dinner was pretty good. Girls however, were a different story. They were very nice and pretty, but our personalities did not at all mix. We made an unspoken agreement that we would not try that again. Nonetheless, it was a good time.

I dropped Jasper off at his house, and when I got back to mine, Levi bombarded me with questions and I did my best to answer them. After the interview, I went into my room, closed my door, and listened to music until I went to sleep.

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