Levi (19)

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Me and Jasper are going on our first official date today. It's December 19th, and we're out of school until January 3rd. Luke's Christmas party, which I will apparently be attending, is on the 22nd and everyone's sleeping over to the 23rd. So, we're also going gift shopping as part of our date.

I wore a black tee shirt with a brown leather jacket over, and dark jeans with my Converse. I mean, Jasper said it was casual. Plus, I would rather not shop in a mall wearing a suit. I know Jasper wouldn't either.

Luke insisted on doing my hair for me, and he wouldn't let me look at what he did, knowing that I would mess it up. He also chose what I was wearing. Talk about controlling. I actually was glad though, I was freaking out since it was my first date.

Then, the doorbell rang. Of course mom and dad weren't home, so Luke had to answer. I heard him and Jasper talking, so I made my way downstairs. I don't think Jasper could've made it any more obvious he was checking me out. I blushed like crazy, while Luke muttered, "Dude, stop checking my brother out, it's making me queasy."

"Hey," Jasper greeted, with a kiss to my forehead.

"Hello to you too," I replied, kissing him back on his cheek.

"This is sickening," Luke said from behind us.

I said, "You were the one was nearly jumping up and down when we got together."

"Whatever. Have fun, lovebirds." Luke rolled his eyes, then continued, "Levi, if you need help with knowing what to get for gifts for the guys, you can text me or of course just ask Jasper. It's the hardest to shop for Andrew because he's too nice to accept anything, so you have to shove it into his hands."

I laughed, and we headed out. "So, this is your car," I said, getting in the front seat.

"In a year, I'll have to share it with Reese. I have a feeling she's going to be the worst driver ever, and crash the car," Jasper answered, and made his way to our destination.

"Ice skating?" I asked as we stepped inside the large rink.

"Yep. I probably should've asked if you could skate first though..."

"It's fine, I somewhat can."

"Good. I did hockey for until the end of freshman year, so I obviously know how to. Ready?" He asked, holding out his hand.

I grabbed it, and tried to get onto the ice without falling. That's when I noticed the ice was empty. "Uh, wouldn't the ice be kind of busy so close to Christmas?" I questioned, looking around.

"Yes, but I rented it out for the hour so it's just us," he replied with a wink.


"Yeah," he said as he zipped around the rink. However, I was still trying to keep myself balanced. After a few minutes of doing pretty okay, I fell. Right on my butt, and I was spinning in circles, unable to stop. Jasper watched in amusement.

"Are you going to help me anytime soon?" I asked, still attempting to stop myself.

"Nah. This is funny."

"Fuck you."

"In your dreams," he replied, skating past me.

I was eventually able to steady myself, and Jasper grasped my hand. We went around the rink a few more times before we left. When we did, Jasper decided to pick me up, fireman's style. Because, he's Jasper. I couldn't do much. If I did, I may hurt him. I do have a black belt, after all. Luke does, too.

He took me to a nice Italian restaurant. I ordered a salad, of course. Even though I'm in recovery of anorexia, doesn't mean it's gone. He got spaghetti. We also decided we would recreate the Lady and The Tramp scene where the two dogs share the noodle. It was cheesy and a little weird, but fun. I took a picture of the moment to send to Luke.

We talked about our relationship, and easily decided there would be another date in the future. Even though we had only been on one date, it felt like we had known each other forever. Technically we have, just had never really talked until about a month ago. Me and Jasper were having so much fun, it was great. However, I ended up only taking about three bites of my salad. Jasper didn't really seem to notice, or just didn't say anything.

Then, we went to the mall and got our gifts. I got Jasper a set of rings, a pair of vintage jeans which cost more than mine and Luke's car, and also something I need to get the day of the party, aka coffee since he's a caffeine addict. Hopefully, he likes them. That man is nearly impossible to buy for.

When we were done with our shopping, we met back at Jasper's car. Both of us had at least five bags. I don't know why we all had to get things for each other, it was going to make us go broke. It almost did, for me at least. That part time job at the library doesn't pay too much.

"You got everything?" Jasper asked, putting his bags in the trunk.

I climbed into the front, and answered, "Yep. We're all good, I think."

"Alright. Let's get going," he said, kissing my cheek.

We went back to my house. Jasper mentioned he wanted to talk to Luke about something, so he came in with me. When we got in, he went up to Luke's room, while I got my bags out of the back of Jas' car. I brought them into my house, which was not easy I may add, and plopped them down on the floor of my room. Close enough.

A few minutes later, both Jasper and Luke came into the room, also both wearing a smile on their face. "Hey Levi. So, how'd the date go?" Luke asked, sitting down on the bed.

"Great. It was awesome," I answered, watching Jasper draw what looked to be a thing of mistletoe on the chalkboard wall.

"Glad to hear it."

We talked for a little while, not noticing Jasper drawing an entire plethora of Christmas related items on the wall. When we did, we both let out a, "Woah," at the now completed mistletoe, candy cane, reindeer, the whole thing.

"Yeah. I get bored easily. I mean, the chalk was right there, so why not?" Jasper asked, turning back towards us.

"I suppose you enjoy Christmas?" I said with a laugh.

"Oh, he does. The last Christmas he showed up wearing a Santa hat, and holding a sack that actually had our gifts in it. He also kept saying 'ho ho ho' at random times in conversation. It was hilarious," Luke replied, laughing with me.

"That won't be this year. I have bigger plans," Jasper said, wiggling his eyebrows. Luke nodded.

"Let me guess, you're in on it?" I asked Luke.

He answered, "Only a little bit. I mainly just know what he's doing, and I gave him a few ideas."

"Uh oh."

"It'll be fine. In fact, I think you should look forward to it," he said with a wink, and walked out of my room.

"And I think that's my cue to say I will see you on the 22nd. Have a good night, Levi," Jasper said, leaving a trail of kisses from my forehead down to my lower cheek. I told him I wasn't comfortable doing the real kiss yet, even though a part of me wanted to, which thankfully he understood.

"Yep. See you on the 22nd," I replied, leaning into his chest. He hugged me, and left.

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