Levi (4)

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Today, I came out to my brother.

I did not expect that to happen today.

When I went to college maybe.

But I did it. And now he knows that I do not in fact want a girlfriend, but a boyfriend. At least he doesn't know that I have a crush on his best friend... I think it'll be a while before I tell him that side of the story. And he wants to change me. He wasn't trying or it to come off like that, I know, but he was still trying to. I don't need to be changed. Or at least I don't think so.

Sure, I'm not athletic, not very tall, and not really charming, but I can handle myself. Wait, will I ever be able to catch the attention of anyone if  I am the way I am now?

After questioning my attractiveness for a solid ten minutes, I got a knock on my door. "It's Luke."

"Come in."

He gingerly opened the door and stepped inside. "Heyyyyyyy...I don't get the calculus homework."

"Per usual."

"Yep. Can you help?"

"Yeah, let me grab my work."

So, we worked for about forty-five minutes, and a part of that was spent on some other subjects. Deciding I would do my other work later, I kicked him out of my room, and closed my eyes until dinner.

After we ate, I was again in my room doing my homework when Luke didn't even bother to knock, and instead just stormed into the room with a huge grin on his face. "I have the best idea ever!"

"Oh no, we are not tp'ing the house of the captain of the rival basketball team again, we almost got suspended last time."

"No. We're not doing that. Do you not believe that I've learned my lesson?"

"Well, considering the fact that only happened two weeks ago, I think I have a pretty good reason not to believe that. So what's your fantastic idea?" I said turning towards him.

"Okay, so, you know how I said that I could help you?"


"I still can," He said looking oddly proud of himself.

"What do you mean?"

"I can help you get a guy!"

"Woah, woah, woah, that really isn't necessary," I assured him. What is he thinking?

"I know gay guys."

"I'm not surprised, you know everybody at that school."

"Yes, but some have asked me out before, and why wouldn't they like my twin who looks like a slightly shorter version of me?" He happily explained.

"Well, there is a reason why you're the basketball player. And secondly, I don't need your help. Thanks I guess."

"Oh come on. I really can help."

"But I don't want you to," I said with a groan.

"Please? I know what I'm doing. Seriously."

"You're straight."

"You don't know that."

"Huh?!" Did he just come out?

"Yes, I am straight. I do however know when a guy is attractive," Oh, thank God, "Anyways, just think about it. I really believe that you can get a guy if you want to get a guy. You just need to get their attention. That's why I'm saying to try something new. You've looked the same pretty much your entire life, and if you changed that you may get attention because people notice change."

Did he just...say something that actually makes sense? "Uhhhhh - I don't know."

"I'm not saying become a different person. I'm just saying, try jeans instead of khakis and your contacts instead of your glasses. That'a not bad, right?"

"Wow, you really hate the fact that I wear khakis, huh? And my glasses," I pointed out.

"No, I- okay yeah I'm not a huge fan. The glasses are okay but the khakis make you looks like a teacher."

"Damn, thanks a lot."

"I'm sorry, but it's true. So, whaddaya say?"

I contemplated it for a couple of seconds, then finally just gave up. "Sure, why not?"

Luke celebrated his victory, then went to my closet. "Okay, so what do we have that isn't khakis?" He looked for a bit, then said, "Oh, wow, pretty much nothing. Well we're going shopping. Grab your phone, I'll drive."

"We're going right now?"

"Yes. Oh, I have an idea. I should ask Jasper to come with us, he has good style."

"But I don't think- okay and he's gone." This is torture. Straight up torture.

"He's coming. We're going to pick him up. Come on."

Oh, the fun we will have. Great.

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