Luke (6)

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"Hey dude," I said to Jasper when he got to his locker.

"Hey, where's Levi?" He asked.

"Um, why?"

"Just...want to see him."

"Okay, we'll he's at his locker. So, right there," I said pointing to the lockers to the left across from us.

"Oh, okay, thanks," he said looking over to him. He's wearing the same outfit Jasper picked out for him yesterday, so the black jeans with a gray flannel over a white tee shirt. He did look a bit different, especially since he gave in to wearing his contacts. I also noticed that he was getting a few looks...good.

I turned back to Jasper. He was still looking at Levi. Weirdo. "Like what you see?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"What? No, I was just noticing that he looks different without his glasses," He said nodding. That was a lot of nods, does his head hurt? Jeesh.

"Okay then. Anyways, he's getting a few looks, including you, so I guess it has worked."

"I was not looking."

"Yes you were. By the way Ethan Reynolds was looking at him earlier also, and he's straight so you've got nothing to worry about. I mean if you were gay or bi or pan or any other sexualities I can't remember right now it would be fine, but you're not, so it's cool. Wait, you aren't, right?" I asked.

"I'm not. I'm straight," he said, but the last part sounded more like a question. He is confusing the hell out of me today.

"Okay...see you in third."

"Yeah, see ya," and with that he was gone.


Lunch is the best time of the day. You can see your friends and laugh and talk, and it's awesome. And the best part - food. Duh. Jasper's been acting weird all day. Since the moment I saw him at our lockers this morning, to third period, in the halls, and right now. Usually he's talking to our friends Kieran and Zander, but right now he's just staring at his food. Is food really that aesthetically pleasing where you have to stare at it for ten minutes?

"Hey, dude, you okay?" I asked.

Jasper replied, "Yeah, just didn't get much sleep last night."

That's when Kieran piped up, "You sure? You were really spaced out in chem, you love chem," he said with a sad expression, "I love chem too and then I was sad because my lab partner aka you was sad." Gotta love Kieran. Acts like a total badass but in reality is a big soft teddy bear and just wants to be loved.

"Is there a fire or something? There's sirens going like crazy outside," Zander said, in his usual I-don't-care-what's-going-on-but-hey-look-there's-excitement-somewhere demeanor.

"Well, possibly because there's a thunderstorm right now..." I replied, "But yeah, you can tell us if there is something up. Also, you should talk to Maya and plan your date."

"It is not a date," Jasper said sounding irritated.

"Oh yes it is," Me, Kieran, and Zander all said at the same time.

"But I don't want it to be."

"You shouldn't of said yes then," Kieran replied, "She was quite clearly asking you out."

"...She was?"


Jasper sighed, then said, "Sorry Kier, just got a lot on my mind right now. I'm fine though, I promise."

"Did you know that 'I'm fine' is one of the most commonly used untrue phrases?" Zander asked. Wait, he was actually listening?

"Huh?" Jasper asked finally looking up from his food.

"The words, 'I'm fine' are one of the most used phrases, but they're very rarely the truth." And did he just say something...meaningful? Woah, it's like we moved to another dimension!

"Well, what I'm saying is the truth Z. Sorry."

And, we were back to eating our food in peace. I looked around to find Levi and found him at his usual table, but not alone. He was talking to a guy I know named Brandon. And, Brandon's gay. Yes, finally.

"Jas, look," I said pointing to Levi.

He looked over, and an expression showed on his face briefly, but was gone before I could figure out what it meant. He then said, "Oh..." Okay, so that was weird, right?

"He got a guy's attention. That's good."

"I guess," he said, looking back down at his food for the 700th time today.

"I guess? What? That is good, it means he's finally talking to people."


I looked over to Kier and Zander, and they also had confused expressions. The two of them seem to be able to talk telepathically, and that appeared to be what they were doing. Then, they looked to me with looks that said, 'the fuck was that about?' And I answered with an expression that said, 'I haven't got a damn clue.'

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