Jasper (21)

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It was now 4:00, so an entire two hours had passed, and neither me or Luke could convince Levi to eat. I highly recommended to Luke that he should talk to Levi about getting professional help. That's what we did with Reese when she had anorexia at the mere age of 12. Thankfully, she recovered. I almost killed the people who told her she was fat. I did yell at them, though. Same with Bridget. I wonder if Levi was getting told the same things she was.

I was also trying to get Levi to play something on one of his instruments, mostly because I play two of them: guitar and bass. Learned guitar when I was 9 and bass when I was 13. Ever since, I've been barging into my sister's rooms and just doing random bass and guitar riffs, not saying anything, and then I'd walk out. That's also how I learned that Bridget was not in fact a virgin. I do believe that was the most awkward moment in my entire life, considering I was only 15. She was 17. Let's just say, she didn't know anybody was home.

Anyway, Levi said no to all of my attempts to get him to play something. I didn't care what it was, I just wanted to see what he could do.

"Aight, I want gifts," Zander said.

"Okay, five year old. We can do gifts," Luke said, getting up from the couch and grabbing a few of the bags people had brought and setting them on the coffee table. I helped him.

"So, I assume you want to go first, bossy, impatient, probably-needs-to-be-fed toddler?" Luke asked.

"Why yes, I do need to be fed. And thank you for offering now gimme things," Z said with grabby hands. He really did look and sound like a toddler.

"Here, this one says 'Zander' on it."

"Yay!" Z exclaimed while diving his hand inside the bag. I honestly thought he was going to rip it. "Haha, cookies. This person knows me well."

Smiling, Kieran said, "You're welcome."

The cycle continued through everybody. They decided Levi would go last. He got Luke a pair of headphones and a shirt that says "I hate your friends and they hate me too" which is a song quote that for some reason Luke loves. Luke rolled his eyes, but it was clear he loved it. I gave Levi a high five for that one. Andy also said that me and Levi should give each other our gifts at the same time, so when it was my turn, I opened all but his.

When it was Levi's turn he started crying because of the things everyone was getting him. He also said, "Nobody's ever been this nice to me before," and that's how almost all of us started the waterworks. Luke laughed, probably because...siblings. It is true we laugh at each other's pain. Or at least in our families it is. Levi gave Luke a death glare when he started laughing, though. I thought we were about to get a fight, which I think would've been pretty enjoyable since they're both black belts in taekwondo.

Finally, it was mine and Levi's turn. He wanted me to go first, so I did. He got me a really cool pair of jeans and a ring set. "Aw, babe. Thank you," I said with a kiss to his cheek. It was so hard not to do the real thing.

"You're welcome," he replied, resting his head on my shoulder. I love it when he does that.

"You next," I said, pushing my gift bag towards him.

I got him a set of colored pencils from his favorite art brand, Arteza, which were $31.00. I also gave him a new CD player, since I noticed his was pretty old. He opened his gifts, and pretty much immediately tackle hugged me. I laughed and hugged him back.

"Jas, these are expensive. You didn't have to do this," he said, still hugging me.

"I know, but I wanted to get you stuff thats special. Plus, I can afford it. Really, I promise," I answered.

Needing (not edited)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ