Luke (24)

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"Wait, I want to grab my pillow," Levi said, running out the door.

He's sleeping in my room tonight. Now knowing that we'll probably be alone for all of Christmas, we didn't want to be apart during the night, especially since we're both crying still. I understand that Mom and Dad have to work, but they seriously can't come home for two days to celebrate the holidays with us?

Isobel and Oscar I don't think are coming either. Again, I get that they're busy but we miss them and need to see them. Maybe they'll Facetime or something on Christmas. The only bad part is that both me and Levi got gifts for everybody, and we may not be able to give them to each other for a while. This seriously sucks.

"Got it," Levi announced, practically leaping onto the trundle bed. "We'll figure out something to do. We shall have our own Christmas. We can make peppermint hot chocolate, go sledding, maybe watch a few of those Hallmark Christmas movies both of us have a guilty pleasure for..."

I blinked. "Who even uses the word 'shall' anymore?"

"Whatever. You get my point. We will make it work. I promise," he assured. Then, he squeezed my arm for a second, and rolled over to sleep. He really is like an older brother sometimes. I guess I'm also like a younger sibling...I'm not sure if I like that.


"Luke, wake up," Levi said. "You should look at the snow. It's really pretty. Also, I'm hungry. We should make cereal with red and green M&Ms in it, like always. Come on."

"Fine," I growled, then turned to my window to see the snow. It really was pretty. We have a lot of land behind our house, and there's no trees or anything, so it looked like a big blanket of white for as far as you could see. "Let's make food, yeah. What time is it?"

"11:00 am."

"Hm. Good. Not too early."

Levi grinned, then said, "I thought you would be satisfied. But seriously, I need to get coffee and food in my system, or this day ain't gonna be pretty."

I laughed, and we made our way to the kitchen. Levi made a beeline for the coffee machine, while I got out the cereal. This is pretty much what happens everyday. He needs his caffeine, while I need my food. Though, he kind of needs his food also. I had a feeling he would probably eat about three bites of cereal without M&Ms. Me, on the other hand, will be shoveling it into my mouth.

Levi finished making his coffee, and cereal. Which, by the way, I was right about no candy. I also was done, so we decided to eat in the living room.

"Oh my God!" Levi squealed from the living room.

"Is everything okay?" I screamed back.

"Come in here!"

I ran into the room. Oscar was hugging Levi like there was no tomorrow, and Isobel was laughing. "You're back!" I too, squealed (I didn't know I was a squealer. Maybe Sage, Oakley, and Natalie are rubbing off on me), and engulfed Bella in a huge hug. "I missed you guys like crazy. Why didn't you say you were coming? We both were crying last night because we thought we would be spending Christmas alone."

"Aww, I'm sorry. We just wanted to surprise you two. We're here until the 27th," Isobel replied.

"Yeah. But one question: Where are Mom and Dad? Please don't tell me they're out," Oscar said.

Me and Levi answered at the same time, "They're out. Won't be back until January 4th." We turned to each other, and ran to find something wood. Levi got to the wooden bookshelf first, though.

"You seriously still do jinx? Wow, you guys haven't changed at all," Osc said with a laugh. "I can't believe they'll be out for that long. That's bullshit. Well, whatever. We can do the traditions. Also, we got gifts. One of them is in the freezer."

Me and Levi turned to each other, and went back into the kitchen. Bella and Oscar followed behind. We opened it to find peppermint ice cream, from one of our favorite stores. Sadly, they moved out of Albany a few years ago, so we never really had it again, except for when we went to New York City to visit Oscar, because there was still a store there. We both grinned, very widely I may add, and thanked them.

"Oh yeah, I need to tell you guys something. Well, two things, actually," Levi said.

"Okay..." Bella replied. I went over and hugged her again, because I still missed her, even though she was right there.

"I'm gay."

"WHAT?!" They both exclaimed.

"I'm gay," Levi said, laughing this time.

"Aw, I'm so proud of you, bro," Oscar answered, hugging Levi again.

"Thank you. And secondly, I'm dating someone. Jasper, actually."

Raising an eyebrow, Bella asked, "Wait, you're dating your brother's best friend?"

"I don't mind, actually. They're really good together. The only thing I'm not a huge fan of is the PDA," I said.

"Oh. Well, yeah. Makes sense. But I can't believe you have a boyfriend, you're growing up so fast," Oscar said, squeezing Levi again. Levi glared at him for a second, but melted into the hug.

We talked and laughed the entire day, and when it was almost midnight, Oakley texted me.

Oak: Merry Christmas! Don't expect to get that from Ian, she's chilling with their movies. They said she was going to get sushi instead of Chinese tomorrow because they 'wanted a change'.

Me: Oh lol, and thank you! Merry Christmas to you also

Oak: have a good day :P

Me: you too :P

When I looked up, all three of my sibling were staring at me. "Who's the person you've been smiling like a lovesick cartoon character at for the past week?" Levi asked.

I hesitated, then said, "It's actually two people."


"Oak and Sage," I revealed.

"How nature-y," Bella joked.

"Um...are those both guys?" Levi asked. Oscar looked like he was about to ask the same thing.

"Possibly," I said with a smirk.

"Are you having a gay awakening?!" Osc asked. "I swear, if both of you are in the alphabet mafia, I'm throwing a party."

"I don't know. Like, they both make me so happy, and they're both incredibly attractive, but I can't tell if it's platonic or not. Also, more of my friends, Ian and Payton, are gender fluid and non-binary. I kind of feel the way I do with Sage and Oak as I do with them. I've never felt any romantic attraction towards any other gender than girls," I explained.

Levi and Oscar have each other a look, while Bella hugged me from the side. "I'm sure you'll figure it out," she said with a smile.

"Thanks, Bella."

That was pretty much how the rest of our night went. Every time someone would text me and I would smile at it my lovely brothers would "ooooo" at me. Bella would support me. Also how the actual Christmas Day went. We opened gifts, everyone but I cooked (I offered to help, but they said they would rather not take anybody to the emergency room. I thought that was pretty fair), and of course watched the cheesy Christmas movies. All in all, it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be.

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