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Duane was escorted to Michael's limousine. Jennifer wore a blue dress. Michael was in a suit and tie.

"What's the occasion?" He asked.

"Well, Duane." Michael said with some rage to his voice. "You're about to see one of Jennifer's highest successes."

They drove out of the city into a building. It looked like it was once a school or something of the sort. The parking lot was full. They stopped in front where there was a lavishly decorated entrance. Jennifer and Michael walked out into the entrance with him. The double doors opened. It looked like it was a school gym once. Probably was. They were escorted to the top seat, in a box railed off from the others. Jennifer went to the bottom where there was a stage. She got on stage and in front of a podium.

An anthem played. He remembered the song from elementary school but didn't remember the name.

"My fellow Aryans!" She said when the song ended. "Today we are gathered for many important things. For starters, I want to thank each and every one of you. Without you, our plans would have never come to fruition. And we have done plenty of things to improve our land. We have switched to all organic and natural farming and husbandry. Women are back home, being mothers and wives. Men are working and providing again. The white birth rate has increased dramatically. We have banned birth control which was polluting women's bodies. The inferior people are in labor camps. Jews, Muslims, and the alphabet people are on the brink of extinction. In a few years, they will be gone. And we have begun our campaign on Mexico and Canada. With God's grace, we will be in control of everything within the next five years."

People cheered. Duane felt bile in his throat and his stomach was cramped.

"I would like to present to you, the children of the New State!" Pomp and Circumstance, or whatever the song was called, played as women came in holding babies. All the babies were very young, from newborn to three years old.

"These women were once degenerates. Race traitors, homosexuals, drug addicts, and whores are now clean and healthy, bearing children for the State. Children who will be raised into good Aryan homes." Duane stared at the girls. They were of all different ages but they were all blonde haired, blue eyed and pale. The women walked away and a new group of women came in. All wearing white dresses.

"These are the new trainees. You can pick one to spend the night with. And hopefully they will bear us children." She said. It hit him why he was here. No.

Michael looked at him.

"Pick one."

"Are you insane? I'm not raping someone!" Duane said.

"You will do as the State tells you!" Michael said, his face turning red.

"I refuse to be part of your sick kink club. I won't do it."

Michael punched him. Everyone else turned to stare at him. Duane fell back in the chair and swung at Michael, punching him in the nose. Blood were everything. Guards ran to his aid. Duane started to punch him in the face repeatedly.

"Fuck you, you sick piece of shit." he said. "Go to hell!"

Michael wasn't even trying to fight him back. Duane felt a shock and ignored it. He saw teeth come out of Michael's mouth as he punched him. Something hit his back. It was a shock much stronger than before. Finally, he fell down and felt another shock.

"Had to put it on the highest setting. He's tough, I'll give him that." the guard said. They dragged him out of the building. They threw him in the limousine and handcuffed him. He hit the back seat and passed out.

It was a beautiful sunny day. It was at the beach. He could smell the salt in the air, feel the sand under his toes, the warm sun on his bare back.

"Duane!" someone said. It was his mother. She was digging in a cooler. "Come over here, it's lunch time."

"Coming, mama!" he said, running to her. There was his other siblings, the twins sharing a container of black grapes, Charlie was making sandcastles, Caleb was crawling on a towel. And there was Alma. Much younger with short black hair and picking shells near another family. He recognized Dany and two children that resembled her.

"Here you go, sweetie." his mom handed him a sandwich.

"Thanks, mama." he said.

"What are you looking at?" she moved her head to see them. "Oh, you're looking at that girl, aren't you?"

He turned away. She smiled.

"Oh, baby, it's okay." she said. "Now hurry up and eat your food before the seagulls see it."

He smiled. The girl turned to see him and waved. He waved back. He scarfed down the sandwich and then walked up to her.

"Hi." he said.

"Hey." she said. "Wanna help me pick up seashells?"

He smiled. "Sure. What's your name?"


"I'm Duane."

Alma smiled. "Nice to meet you. I bet I can pick the prettiest shell."

"Uh nuh." he said.

He woke up in a cell again. There went his being treated like a human being. This one had a light and a bed compared to his old one. Michael still had plans for him. He then realized something. Michael would probably punish his family for it. Maybe even kill them. But he would have never forced himself to hurt someone like that. He hoped his father and sister wouldn't hate him. They had suffered enough from everything. He got up and went to the sink. He was exhausted. He didn't want to go through this anymore.

He needed to fight back. Especially now that his father and sister depended on him for their survival. He couldn't lose them again. Nor could he lose his friends and especially not Alma. She meant the world to him. Then the door started to shake and move. 

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