Chapter 3

877 24 1

Words Before: 706

Words Now: 1108

Laurens pov

Camila and I looked at each other. "I'll do it."

Lauren, you don't have to, we can just come out," Camila reasoned.

"I would love that, but you're not ready," I turned back to Regina. "How long?"

"Until the end of the school year,"

"That's 5 months away!"

"Yep, and it starts now," Regina grabbed my hand and pulled me out, leaving Camila standing there.

No ones pov

Deciding to just go home, she texted Lauren saying she was leaving and used the office phone to call her mom.


Camila's mom usually goes to work at 3pm and gets home and gets home at 11pm, which gives Lauren and Camila some alone time, but today Camila's mom stayed home to care for her.

Around 3:30, Camila saw Laurens car pull into her driveway, then she got a call from Lauren.

"Is your mom home?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah, since I came home early, she stayed home to make sure I'm okay. I'll come down to let you in."

"Okay, I'll see you in a minute," She said, then hung up.

I rushed down the steps, "My friend, Lauren is here, we're gonna do homework and I think she's staying the night," I yelled to my mom as i opened the door.

My mom came to the door to meet Lauren. "Hi Ms. Cabello, I'm Lauren, Camila's friend," she said with a smile.

"We're gonna go upstairs before you embarrass me," I hurried out and grabbed Laurens wrist and pulled her up to her room.


Lauren and I laid on my bed until my mom called us down for dinner. I could tell Lauren was nervous because she was fidgeting. I put my hand on her knee under the table and looked at her reassuringly.

The 3 of them ate dinner, occasionally sharing a few words. After they finished, Lauren offered to do the dishes. My mom refused at first, but Lauren wouldn't drop it, so my mom let her. While she was doing them my mom and I just hung out.

"Your friend is a really sweet girl, I'm glad you have her as a friend,"

"I'm glad she's my friend too," After I said that, Lauren made her way out of the kitchen. "Ready to go back upstairs?"

"Yes, thank you for dinner ms. Cabello," Lauren smiled.

"Oh, you're welcome sweety, you're welcome here anytime."


Laurens pov

When I woke up, Camz was gone. I looked at the clock and it was 5:30 in the morning. I heard gagging so I ran to the bathroom and pulled her hair back. Once she was done she flushed the toilet and climbed in my lap.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I just want this to be over with," Camila answered.

Growing emotional, she started crying into my neck and it broke my heart to see her like this. I rubbed circles on her back, but she wouldn't calm down.

"Shhh, it's okay," I reassured her. "Remember what I told you in the bathroom."

When Camila calmed down, she said, "I'm hungry."

"What do you want to eat?"

"Banana pancakes," I nodded. I picked her up and carried her downstairs. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I booked it to the table. "Slow down!" She said giggling. I set her down on one of the chairs, then pecked her lips.

I moved around the kitchen as Camila watched me cook. When I finished, I made two plates and set it infront of our spots. I noticed every time I looked away and looked back, I had less food than before. So I turned my head but kept my eyes trained on my plate.

"What's with you and stealing my food?" I asked when I saw her fork make her way to my plate.

"Sharing is caring," Camila stated as she took another piece. I pulled my plate away from her. Bad idea. She stood up and tried to reach for it.

"There's more in the kitchen, go get some."

"Why the fuck would I get up and get some when you can just share?" She asked angrily.


Camila's mom walked in and scolded Camila. "Watch your mouth, Karla."

"What even happened?" Sinu asked.

"Lauren won't let me eat her pancakes," Sinu looked at her like she was crazy.

"She can have them," I said as I put my plate in front of her.

Camila smiled at me in victory and ate the rest.

"There's some more in the kitchen if you're hungry," I told Camila's mom.

She thanked me and headed to the kitchen and emerged with a plate of pancakes.

When Camila got done eating, we got ready for school.  Camila dressed in her usual skirt and T-shirt. Camila pulled her hair into a high pony, then we went in the bathroom and brushed our teeth and went to school.

"Let;s just go to class,I really want to go home already," I said.

"Same, I hate school."

"Who even enjoys school?"

"Crazy people," Camila said seriously.

When Camila and I split up, Regina sped up to my side and locked her arm into mine. After yesterday, everyone pretty much knows Regina and I are 'together'.

After Camila left yesterday, Regina was practically attached to my hip. In class people started asking me questions about if Regina and I were dating. I told them yes.

I walked her to her class then walked to my own class. I sat in my seat, which happened to be by Camila. "Sorry, I had to walk Regina to class," I whispered.

She rolled her eyes and nodded. "I can't wait for the 5 months to be over," She sighed.

"Neither can I."

Class soon ended and I sped to 2nd hour avoiding Regina. In this class, I sat far away from Camila and I sit next to Normani.

"Are you really dating that freshman bitch? What happened to Camila?" Normani questioned.

"I have no choice. Camila and I were talking in the bathroom and we didn't know she was there. She caught us, Mani, then said she'd tell everyone about us if I didn't fake date her," I explained.

"I'm not even surprised, but be careful and listen to her, in the short time she's been in highschool, she's ruined a lot of people's lives."

"What has she done?" I asked confused.

"Remember that Liam Payne kid?"

"The quiet one?"

"That one, he is currently in juvy. I overheard her talking with her friends about how she lied and said he sexually assaulted her because he didn't like her back," Normani told me.

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