Chapter 7

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Words before: 657

Words Now: 810

After school, I went to the small diner and put in my application, deciding to go to the other 2 tomorrow. They said they were really short staffed, so there was a high chance I'll get the job. I went home and saw my mom in the kitchen. "Hey mom," I pulled her into a hug. "Guess what."


"I went to apply at that small diner across town and they said I'll probably get the job," I said excitedly.

"That's fantastic, how long did they say it could take to get a call back?" Clara asked.

"They said it could be today or anytime this week. I'm going to apply at the other two I saw tomorrow, I wanted to come home and see Camila."

"I just went up and checked on her, she's still sick."

"Should I go get her some medicine?"

"Uh," My mom turned around and rummaged around the medicine. "Yeah, we don't have anything here."

"Alright, I'll be back. I think I'm gonna pick up some pizza too," I turned around and made my way back out the door.


"Camz, I brought your work from school, some medicine, and pizza."

"You brought pizza?" Camila sat up slowly.

"Yeah, but you gotta get some medicine in your system first."

"I know, just give me a minute," She groaned.

"Okay," I got Camilas medicine poured and handed it to her.

"Thanks, do you have something I can chase this with?" I nodded and grabbed her little bottle of soda.

She quickly swallowed the medicine as I started making our plates. "How many slices do you want?"

"Just one for right now, I'm still feeling pretty nauseous," I handed her her plate, then grabbed mine and sat next to her. "I missed you while you were at school."

"I missed you too." I kissed her jaw line then started eating again.

Camila and I ate in silence, occasionally stealing kisses. When We finished, I got up and took our trash downstairs. When I stepped foot in the room, I could tell something was off. "Whats wrong?"

"Someone sent me a video," Camila said slowly.

"What was the video of?"

"You and Regina kissing in it," Camila told me.

"Let me see," She handed out her phone and I clicked the video.

It showed Regina kissing me while I had my hands on her waist looking very uncomfortable.

"Camila, I told you, It didn't mean anything,"  I said calmly and took her hands in mine.

"Okay, I believe you," She pulled me into a kiss.

Camila P.O.V

When they sent me the video of Regina kissing Lauren, it made me mad and jealous. But, I promised Lauren that I would try not to get jealous. Also, I could tell she was uncomfortable in the video and she had called me to tell me Regina had kissed her.

"I gotta go to the bathroom real quick," Lauren nodded and I stood up. About two minutes later, I emerged from the bathroom and I saw Lauren typing on her laptop.

"What are you doing," I asked and climbed into her arms.

"Emailing a teacher," she said and showed me the screen. "I didn't understand something in class so I gotta have her explain it again."

"Oh okay," I started placing gentle kisses on her neck.

"What are you doing?" This time the question was asked by Lauren. 

"Nothing," I whispered.

"Mmm, okay," She went back to emailing the teacher.

I kept doing it and I noticed her eyes were starting to droop. She set aside the laptop when she clicked send. I went to move away, but her voice stopped me.

"No, don't stop," She said sleepily. I giggled at her cuteness and started to kiss all over on her face and neck.

Once she fell asleep, I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


I heard a groan.  "It's Saturday, turn it off,"

"I forgot to turn the alarm off last night," I curled into Laurens side and I felt the baby kick. Lauren nuzzled her head in my neck. I felt it kick again, I could feel Lauren smile against my neck and placed her hand where she felt it. It kicked again and she chuckled.

"They love you," I said.

"Everyone loves me," Lauren said as she freighned cockiness.

"Can't disagree with you there, you are pretty great," I agreed.

"Keep feeding my ego," Lauren smirked.

"Whatever, I'm tired, I'm going to bed," I said.

"Goodnight, love you,"

" I love you too,"

"Oh, I wasn't talking to you," Lauren said and lowered her head so it was in level with my stomach.

"Rude," I huffed.

"Awe, I love you too," Lauren said and kissed my lips.

She laid next to me again and cuddled into my side.

"Good night," Lauren whispered.

"Good night."

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