Chapter 18

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Words: 651

*2 Months Later*

It was late at night and Camila and I were laying in bed. She was laying on her back while I was curled at her side rubbing her belly.

Her due date was a few days ago and Camila could go into labor any time.

I could see her start to drift off then all of a sudden her eyes snapped open. "Uhm, Lauren?"

"Hm?" I hummed.

"I think my water just broke.." she trailed off.

I hopped up and pulled the covers off of her and saw a wet spot under her.

"Yup come on," I helped her up and grabbed our bag that we had just in case. We already have a car seat in the back of my car, so we didn't need to grab that.

"I thought I was just feeling a little pain because of the baby kicking, then I felt something wet under me."

I smiled and said, "Our little boy is coming," as I walked her out of the door, not bothering to put shoes on her.

I opened the passenger side door and helped her in, leaning her seat back so she could lay down.

I dialed my mom's number after putting my phone on speaker and set the phone on the console.

"Hey, shouldn't you be sleeping? It's 1am," My mom said when she answered.

"Camila and I are on the way to the hospital now, she's gone into labor," I rushed out and pulled out of the driveway. "I need you to call Camila's parents."

"Okay I'll do that right now," she said then I heard beeps indicating she hung up.

I drove a little over the speed limit, not much, only like 5 mph. Eventually we made it, Camila had contractions when we got there, so I rushed her in.

She was hunched over clenching her stomach while moaning in pain.

"Is everything okay?" A nurse rushed over.

"My fiancé went into labor," I rushed out.

"Okay, I'll take you guys to an empty room. Someone get me a wheelchair please!"

Another nurse came over pushing a wheelchair and I helped Camila into it.

"You push her, I'll lead the way."

The nurse led us out of the emergency room and to an elevator that said 'Staff Only'.

When we got to the room, I helped Camila sit on the bed.

"How far apart are the contractions?"

"About 15 minutes," Camila hissed out.

"Okay, I'm gonna go get you a gown," the nurse turned on her heels and made her way out of the door.

"I hope you know I fucking hate you."

I laughed a little bit and said "I love you too."

The nurse came back with a gown, then announced that the OBGYN would be in soon.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Wilson. How are you feeling?" The doctor walked in after knocking.


"Alright, it looks like you're ready to push."

Camila looked over and flashed an anxious smile before grabbing my hand

"3. 2. 1," Dr. Wilson counted.

Camila squeezed my hands and screamed while she pushed.

"Come on, you got this. Big pushes."

The doctor counted down from 3 again and Camila screamed even louder and I thought I heard my hand crack.

"Oh shit!" I yelped.

"Oh shut the fuck up!" Camila yelled.


I smiled as the Doctor carefully placed our crying son on Camilas chest.

I stared at him with a smile. "He looks like you," I noted.

"Yeah..he's so beautiful," Camila whispered. 

I reached over and rubbed our sons back.

"Hey," everyone looked over and saw Clara and Sinu standing in the doorway. "Everyone else is in the waiting room. Us two wanted to come first.

They sat down on a few chairs and grabbed our son's little hand.

"Thought of any names yet?"

"Camilo because he's your splitting image. His nickname could be Milo."

"I like it."

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