Chapter 11

636 19 0

Words Before: 154

Words Now: 1155

(I'm not gonna go into too much detail on the dates because I absolutely have no idea how to write them)


When I got home, I walked into my room and saw Camila sleeping, taking the opportunity to print off the lease.

Getting on my laptop, I pulled up the document, then sent them to the printer downstairs.

When I got them I grabbed a pen and signed whatever I needed to, then I went to my mom and asked her to sign it.

"What's this?"

"Camila's dad is getting us an apartment and this is the lease. I need you to sign off on it too." She grabbed the pen and signed. "I have to go to Camila's parents house and have someone sign for her end," I said and grabbed my keys.


I made it to Sinu and Alejandros and knocked on the door.

"Hello, Lauren."

"I printed of the lease, I need someone to sign it,"

"Alright honey, I'll go grab a pen," she disappeared back into the house and came back with a pen.

She signed her name and I said, "I should probably get back home to Camila."

"Be safe," she said and closed the door.

When I got home, I climbed up the stairs and saw Camila was still asleep. I sat at my desk and covered everything that told Camila what she was signing. I could just sign her name, but I'm not about to get caught and sent to prison.

"Babe, I need you to sign something," I said as I shoved the pen into her hand. She lazily signed wherever I told her too. In her state, she most likely won't even remember she did it.

She rolled over and buried her head into the pillows. I walked back down the stairs and hid the lease.


The next day, I drove back to the apartment after calling the lady from yesterday and gave her the papers, then she handed me the keys. When I got back in my car, I pulled the ring out of my pocket and put it on the key ring.

Shoving the keys into my purse, I started the car and drove off towards my house.

Tomorrow was Camila and mine's anniversary and also Monday. So after I get home from school, I'm gonna pick Camila up and start our date.


It was finally the next day and I pulled into the driveway and waited for Camila to come out. When I saw the door open and Camila came out, I smiled.

I stepped out of the car and we met halfway to each other. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into me. "Happy anniversary."

I leaned in and connected our lips in a passionate kiss. "Ready to get going?"

She nodded and connected our lips again, backing us into the hood of my car, I moaned when my back hit the hood. Camila pulled away from my lips and started trailing kisses down my neck. I threw my head back and said, "we should get going."

"I need you," she whispered.

"We can't, we have to go, we can finish this later," I said and kissed her again.

"I don't think I can wait."

"You're gonna have to," I said as I squeezed past her and opened her door. She walked over and sat in the car.

I walked over to the drivers side and climbed in and put the keys into the ignition.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."


We pulled up to the animal shelter and Camila squealed. "You brought me to see puppies?"

"Yes, but just looking, we can't take any home, okay?" Camila nodded excitedly and got out of the car. I chuckled and got out too.



I sped walked into the place and saw Lauren running up behind me.

"Hello, how can we help you?" The lady behind the desk asked.

"We're here to look at the puppies," Lauren said.

"Yes, all the friendly ones are outside through that door," she pointed.

We turned around and walked to the door.


Two hours later, Lauren and I walked out of the building. I wanted to stay longer, but Lauren said we still have 4 more places to go.

We pulled up to my favorite Ice Cream place and Lauren drove up to the drive thru. She ordered our favorites and we drove off.

Next, we pulled up to the park and Lauren got out and led us to a bench.

We sat there talking and eating our ice cream for about an hour before we got back on the road.

"Where to now?" I asked.

"Can't tell you, but we're almost there," Lauren told me.


Lauren and I sat across from each other at the restaurant we had our first date. I ordered sparkling wine and some Alfredo while Lauren also got sparkling wine, but got spaghetti instead.

Lauren was looking a little nervous, but she tried to hide it. "Are you okay? You look nervous."

"I'm not nervous," Lauren said, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth, meaning she was lying.

"Yes you are, are you gonna break up with me?" I asked worriedly.

"Of course not, I just haven't taken you out on a date date in so long," she said, still worrying her bottom lip.

I knew she was still lying, but decided to just drop it, not wanting to start a fight.

"Okay," I whispered and grabbed her hand from across the table.


When we got in the car, Lauren only grew more nervous, so I put my hand on her thigh and rubbed it affectionately.

We pulled into a parking lot and Lauren stopped the car. "Wait here," she said and got out of the car. I watched as she came to my door and opened it for me.

Dragging me to a door that led to multiple doors, she brought me to the end of the hall, then dug into her pocket. She pulled out a set of keys and handed them to me.

I looked down to the keys in my hand when I saw a sparkle. I held the thing with my two pointer fingers and thumb, and noticed it was a ring.

"What-" I looked at Lauren and noticed she was on one knee.

"Camila, I know we've only been together for a year, but I know I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. When I saw that we were partners in class last year, I thought I was going to die because I hated you. I didn't think I would find the love of my life and she would carry my children. I love you, Camz, will you marry me?"

Tears started to fall down my face as I nodded. She stood up and pulled me into a kiss

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