Chapter 12

588 14 0

Words Before: 232

Words Now: 553

It was a few days later and Camila and I were finally starting to move into our new apartment. Both my mom and Camila's parents had some furniture that we could use. We only had a couch and a recliner, but that's okay.

We moved our bed, clothes, and desk into our room. We also put a queen sized into one of the bedrooms for anyone that wanted to stay over.

Camila and I are waiting for the gender of our baby before we start getting things for the baby's room.

I really want a girl, and for some reason Camila wants a boy. It's always been my dream to have a girl so I can dress her up in cute dresses.

*1 month later*


"Lauren hurry up!" Camila called from down the hall.

"I'm trying! Calm down!"

"We need to go, our baby shower is next week and we have to go get this over with!"

I pulled my shirt over my head, ignoring Camila and taking my time. We didn't have to be to the clinic for another 40 minutes and she's trying to rush me out.

After I got fully dressed, I walked down the hall. "Took you long enough," Camila rolled her eyes.

"We don't have to be there for 40 minutes, I'm gonna take my time," I said while sliding my feet into my shoes.

"Fine, can we go get something to eat before then?" She asked, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Of course, what do you want?"

"Hmm, can I just get some fries from Burger King? Everything else there is nasty."

"Alright, let's go then," I backed away from her and grabbed my things and her things, then made my way to my car with Camila trailing behind me.

I opened Camilas door for her, she took a little longer to get in due to her baby bump, and then shut the door for her. I walked to my side and got in and started the car.

I pulled out of the parking lot and headed to Burger King.


20 minutes later, we arrived at the clinic. We sat in the uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room until someone called us back and showed us which room to go to. The person told us the OBGYN would be right in, so we waited.

"Hello, I'm doctor Montgomery, and I'm gonna be seeing what gender you're having today and checking if everything is going how it's supposed to be," the obgyn said when she walked in.

She sat in the chair by Camilas seat and got all the equipment ready. "Alrighty, I'm gonna put the gel on, then get started," Dr. Montgomery got the gel then squirted a small pile then used the wand to spread it.

We sat in silence for a few minutes while the doctor did her thing, then she said, "Your Baby is completely healthy, congratulations."

Camila and I shared a happy smile and I leaned in to kiss her.

"Did you guys want me to tell you the gender or write it down and put it in an envelope?"

"The second option please," nodding, she grabbed a pen and turned her back to us then wrote something down.

"Here you go, you're all set," she handed us the envelope and we walked out of the room holding hands.

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