Chapter 17

501 14 0

Words Before: 904

Words Now: 1211

Camila POV

A month later:

I was setting up the game pin the pacifier on the baby for the baby shower while my mom and Dinah were setting up some other games.

I was a little disappointed that Lauren couldn't come, but she said the other parent typically doesn't come to the baby shower. Also, she had to go to the studio and record the song that she sang in her video.

She ended up signing the contract after having her mom and my parents read it over to see if it was fair. Now she's been in the studio writing and recording.

She's also been thinking about dropping out. That way when school starts back up, she can look after our son and also work on her music in the studio on the weekends or when I have breaks from school.

"Mila? You're staring off into a space. Everyone should be getting here in about 45 minutes. We gotta hurry," I heard my mom.

I shook out of my thoughts and continued setting up the game. I put a piece of tape on the floor, not sure how I managed, but it took a while to mark where to start.

Then I dragged a table that had the pacifiers and blindfolds. I pulled up a chair and sat down and started numbering the pacifiers and also numbering sticks for people to draw one.

"I'm done," I said from my seat.

"Me too," Dinah said.

The two of them had set up two games while I only set up one.

"Ma? Can you help me get up?" She made her way over to me and grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

Lately my stomach has gotten so big I can barely move. I'm supposed to be resting as much as I can, but I hate not being able to walk around, so the baby shower is allowing me to get out of the apartment.

When Lauren's not at the studio, she's home rubbing my feet and back tending to my every need.

I sat down at one of the long tables and pulled out my phone. I was shocked when I saw who messaged me.

Austin: Hru?

Austin didn't get charged, but he had to do some community service. His father is a well known businessman, so he paid the police off.

Camila: do I have to get a restraining order?

Austin: Listen, I'm sorry. If I had known you were pregnant and was seeing someone I wouldn't have tried to force myself on you and push you.

Camila: if I said no the first time, you should have left it at that. And it doesn't matter if I was pregnant, you don't push someone.

Austin: You're right. I'm sorry.

I ignored him and saw someone walk in. Lauren's mom was carrying a tray of food in one hand and a bag in the other.

"Where do I put these?" She asked when she got to me.

"On that table over there is where the food goes, then that table is where the presents go," I pointed.

Soon the whole place was full and the tables were full of food and presents.

When everyone arrived, we dismissed everyone for food. I sat next to Ally, Normani, and Dinah while we chatted.

"Why didn't Lauren come?" Ally asked.

"She's at the studio, she's almost done with Inside, so she wants to get it out before the end of the month."

"Sweet. Have you heard some of it yet?"

I took a bite and chewed before responding. "She wants me to listen to it when it's finished. I've been begging to come to the studio with her, but she wants me to rest."

"I can't wait to listen to it. If her video on YouTube did well, imagine how well a studio version will do," Normani said.

"Yeah. She's gonna get big," I sighed.

"You don't seem like you want her to be successful," Dinah looked at me.

"Don't get me wrong," I started. "I want her to be happy, but she's gonna be away a lot. She's said when our son gets older, she's gonna go on a world tour. I don't know I'll take care of our son alone," I defended myself.

"Well, you have us. If you ever need help and she's not around, we'll always be there."


Everyone finished eating and we moved onto the games.

First we played pin the pacifier on the baby.

I waited behind Dinah for my turn. When I got in front, I drawed a stick and grabbed my number and pulled on a blindfold. I slowly walked forward with one of my hands held out in front of me. When I felt the wall I imagined where the mouth would be, then stuck it on.

I pulled off the blind fold and saw I was wayyy off. I pouted and turned around and saw people giggling.

My grandma ended up winning and won a candle.

The next game was to guess how many little babies are in a jar. Since my mom filled and counted, she didn't play.

I guessed 156 babies when it was my turn, then sat down to take a break from standing. I pulled out my phone and saw a text from Lauren and Austin.

I opened Lauren's message first.

Lauren: Hey babe, how's the shower going?

Camila: It's going good. Losing every game tho :(

Lauren: Aw I'm sorry. You'll win something

Camila: What are you doing?

Lauren: I just got home from the studio. Finished the song today

Camila: That's amazing! Can I hear it when I get home?

Lauren: hmm, I'll think about it

Camila: Also, I gotta tell you something when I get home

I put my phone in my purse when I realized everyone was done guessing and they were gonna announce the winner.

"Okay so!" Dinah started. "No one guessed correctly, but someone was close. Camila! You were off by one!"

Dinah walked over to me and handed me a prize. Inside were cookies in the shape of animals. I unwrapped the elephant one and took a bite.


It was finally time to open the presents, so I sat in the comfy chair in the front of the room as my mom handed me a gift.

The first one had a little baby bath, some baby shampoo, and a baby bottle. I thanked the person and repeated the same for everyone.

By the end, I had gotten multiple onesies, as well as multiple pacifiers and bottles, some baby blankets, stuffed animals, bedtime stories, some diaper bags, burping rags, swaddles, bibs,a bouncer, and even a crib.

Everyone eventually left and the only ones here were just me and my mom.

"All of this can't fit in my car," my mom said.

"I'll call Lauren and ask her to come," I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone, and dialed Lauren's number.

"Hm?" She mumbled.

"Did I just wake you up?" I asked.

"Yes, do you need me to come pick you up?"

"We can't fit everything in my mom's car, so I was wondering if you could come and put some stuff in your car."

"Alright. I'll be right there."

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