Chapter 15

560 14 0

Words Before: 431

Words Now: 859

~Two months later~

"I hate my job, they're under-staffed so I've been working so many hours and I'm barely home," I complained as I set my food down at the table.

Camila quit coming to school and started doing online about a month ago. It was getting harder for her to move and by the time school is out she'll be about 7 month pregnant.

"You love singing, how about you upload a video to YouTube and maybe a record deal will reach out to you," Ally said.

"And what If they do? Then I'll be touring and I won't be home with Camila and the baby."

"But you'll be set for life. Also, you don't really have to tour. Fly out to a city every few weeks for a few days then come back. Then maybe when your son is older, you can actually tour," Normani suggested.

"I don't know, who's to say someone will actually want to have me on their record label. I'm not sure I want to be on a record label, I've heard some of the shit singers go through."

"Just do it Lauren," Dinah pleaded.

"I'll talk to Camila, but if she doesn't want me to, I'm not doing it."


"Uhm Camila can I talk to you about something?" I asked after cuddling for a few hours.

She sat up and looked at me confused. "Uhm yeah."

"So Ally had an idea..I've been not liking my job, and Ally wants me to upload a singing video in hopes of getting signed to a label. I wanted to run it by you before I put a video out."

"And what If you get big and people want a tour?" Camila asked.

"I'll go do a show a few times a month. Fly out midday, perform the next day, then fly back early morning the next day. Plus, I hear you get a lot of money from it, we can get a better apartment, maybe even a house," I said hopefully.

Camila thought about it for a minute before sighing. "If you wanna do it, I'm not gonna stop you. I know how much you love singing, so if you want to, go ahead."

"Thank you so much!" I sat up and gave Camila a big kiss.


"Hi guys, I've never done this before, so I don't really know what I'm doing," I laughed awkwardly. "Also the quality is probably shi-crappy. Am I allowed to swear? Anyway, the camera quality is really..uhh..bad, I'll just say that, because I'm recording this on a phone, so I apologize."

I took a little pause thinking of what to say next before saying, "This is a song I wrote about a year ago. Nobody has heard it before, it's called 'Inside'."

I took a deep breath and started singing. When I was done I said goodbye, then ended the video, deciding to put it on YouTube tomorrow.


The next day I put the video on YouTube, then told Camila and also texted Dinah, Normani, and Ally to tell them that I put the song out.

I got dressed and kissed Camila and my son goodbye before leaving and heading to work. Since it's the weekend, I don't have school which means a longer shift, but at least I don't have to work on Sunday's.

I was taking a customer's order when I saw Ally, Normani, and Dinah come jogging in. They stood behind the girl I was taking to practically jumping up and down.

When the girl walked away I said, "What do you guys want?"

"Lauren! You'll never believe it!" Ally yelled.

"Keep your voice down," I scolded.

"Your video just hit 10k views!" Dinah yelled, ignoring my comment just second before.

"What?" I looked at them like they were crazy. "Let me see, I don't believe you."

Normani pulled her phone out, typing for a minute before handing me the phone. I took it in my hands and saw that it actually has 15k now and 7k likes. I scrolled through the comments and saw many people telling me they can tell that I'm gonna be famous one day.

"Oh my god.." I whispered with disbelief.

"You just uploaded it 6 hours ago and got to 10k can you imagine what it'll get to in a week? I say you'll have a producer emailing you soon," Ally said.


I was on my laptop a few days later checking my emails. I've been doing it a lot lately, hoping someone reaches out to me.

My video had already reached a million views and I've also gotten a whole bunch of people following my social media. I've gotten so many people following and messaging me that I had go mute my apps.

Even people at school are coming up to me wanting to take pictures which is weird because usually they pick on me.

I opened my emails when I saw an email. I clicked it quickly and read it. I gasped when I saw who it was.

L.A Reid wants to meet up with me to talk about my video.

(A/N: this version is gonna have a few more chapters than the original cause as I keep writing, I realize there is so much more to the plot that I can add. Also, I know I said I would upload once a day, but I'm losing interest. I promise I'll keep uploading. I'll never take longer than a week and if I do, I'll let y'all know.)

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