Adrian's Girlfriend

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Claire on the side -->

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                                                                             *Chapter Five*

(Justin's P.O.V)

     "Aww c'mon J, Kayla is going to be there." Chelsea said 


     "Why not?" she said 

     "Because I said so." 


     "Aww no! Don't do the puppy eyes." 

     "So you'll go?"  

     "Yea, as your favorite cousin I'll accompany you to your date."  

     "Yea! Now go get ready,you got twenty minutes." she said pushing me towards my room 

     "All right, all right."

Twenty minutes later I was driving Chelsea and myself to the diner, I really did not want to confront Kayla. Not after everything that happened between us, I hope she can understand and just listen to me. 

     "Jared is already seated, now let's go." 

     "Oh God help me." I said to myself.

As Chelsea was walking toward Jared I noticed Kayla wasn't next to him, or anywhere for that matter. But, then again I don't know how she looked like, but she is probably as pretty as she was back then.

     "Where's Kayla?" Chelsea asked beating me to the question. 

     "She didn't want to come, sorry." he said looking at me 

     "It's fine." 

     "Oh, and she wanted me to tell you, something about keeping your promise, or something along those lines but, I didn't know what she was talking bout."  

     "You know what? You guys have a great time and call me when you're ready to leave."

I walked out of the diner and went inside my car, so she's mad? That's why she didn't come tonight?

                                                                            ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

I actually went to her house and was outside in my car contemplating on whether or not to go over there and ring that bell. Jared had told me the directions to his house when I brought him home earlier that day, and it was the same house Kiki lived in when she use to visit in the summers.

I was almost going to get out but, her parents were coming up the driveway and I didn't have a chance. I turned on my car and went back to my apartment waiting until Chelsea called to pick her up.


     "So how was it?" I asked Chelsea after dropping off Jared at his house. 

     "Great! He was so nice."  

     "Now I want you to be careful if you're looking to date this..Uhh, Jared guy." I said and she just started laughing like if I was crazy. "What?" I asked 

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