Ask Me Again Before I Change My Mind

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*Chapter Nineteen*

(Justin's P.O.V.)

"You know what man? I'm nervous as hell. I don't think I can do this."

"C'mon Danny, you were the one who wanted to sing for Ashlee and now you're backing out?"

"No, no i'm not backing out, it's just... What if she doesn't like it?" I laughed and so did Adrian, "C'mon Danny, you'll be fine." I said and patted his back

I looked behind the curtain and the field was almost full. Good thing the Johnson's let us play on this big chunk of land. The whole town knew about this performance, but they didn't know it was for the love of our lives. I saw Kayla's family and smiled, I knew they would come, she would be so happy.

It was almost time to begin but we couldn't start without the stars of the show. I couldn't lie, I was nervous as hell and kept wondering if Kayla would love it or hate it. This song was when I truly knew I was in love with her.

I must have spaced off because next thing I heard were people whistling and applauding. I looked up and I almost fainted, Kayla. 'my' girlfriend looked absolutely breathtaking and all I wanted to do was go up to her and kiss her.

I knew she would like the dress and it looked perfect on her. She would always be the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and I loved her. She was my world my everything and I would never let anything happen to her. Not while i'm around to protect her.

(Kayla's P.O.V.)

Why is the whole town here? Were we the only ones who didn't know this was happening. I searched the crowd for Justin but I didn't find him anywhere. Claire and Ashlee came behind me and it looked like they didn't find their guys either.

The lights above us became dim and suddenly spotlights were put on us. What was happening? Me and the girls were just looking at the stage ignoring all the stares from the townspeople. The curtain opened and Standard Tradition were on stage, the only people missing were our guys.

John played the first note and then Scott and Charlie joined in. Then out came Adrian playing the guitar and the crowd cheered. Danny came out with the bass, the crowd still cheering. Then came the moment everyone was waiting for and I was getting butterflies in my stomach.

Justin came out wearing a tux just like the other guys and he looked mouthwatering. I couldn't help but stare at his beautiful face and the way he smiled at me. The beat kept going but Danny and Adrian walked up to the mic with Justin.

"We wanted to dedicate this song to the loves of our lives." The spotlight split into three separate lights and me and the girls were the center of attention. I smiled up at Justin and blew him a kiss. He smiled and waited for Adrian and Danny to get their microphones. The beat began to get louder and Danny began to sing.

(Danny) 🎶"Your smile is the key to my heart. Your lips, the spark to our touch. Your eyes, the color of fall. All the things that make you who you are.

I wouldn't change it for the world, the way your dimples show when you laugh too much. Or the way you blush when you're embarrass, I love you for who you are."🎶

(Adrian) 🎶"Or maybe it's the way you twirl your blonde hair, that makes me fall in love with you.

The way your eyes shine when you smile at me. You're beautiful and the world deserves to know it, but it's fine if you don't want to show it, I love you. I'll make sure you know it."🎶

(Justin) 🎶"Your kiss triggered those feelings I had kept locked up all those years before. You were my friend and my angel. I loved you, you were my secret crush.

Destined To Be Lovedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें