Charlie Is a Complete Gentleman

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I am SO sorry, I had a writer's block, I would start writing and then I would erase it and start over. Anyways I hope this makes up for my tardiness. Enjoy! And thanks to the people that have fanned me, thank you! I was so happy when I saw that! Anyways, On With The Story!!

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                                                *Chapter Twelve*

I don't really know how I feel at this very moment. My emotions are mixed and I don't know how to react to them. I mean I want to hate Justin, but do I really have the strength to do it? At times I want to kill him, but other times I want to go up to him and tell him how I really feel instead of hiding behind every little excuse and avoiding him. If I were to go back in time and redo everything I have done since I got here, I would.

I was sitting in a booth and on my third refill on iced coffee, if you were to take a look at me now, you would think I was crazy because it looks like i'm talking to a cup, but i'm not. I'm pretending like there was an actual person with me. I know how lame.

I'm just so lonely, I don't know what to do with myself anymore, the door opened and the bell went off and Claire walked in. I waved her over and she sat in front of me.

     "What the hell is going on between you and Adrian? He's always asking me if you called or if you've visited me and frankly it's getting really annoying."

     "He didn't tell you?"

     "Tell me what?"

     "Why I am not talking or even acknowledging him?"


     "Well he came over the day after I had told Justin that I didn't like him and I was telling him my problems or concerns, whatever, and he has somewhat confessed that he was mad at me for doing that to Justin so I told him to leave because I didn't want to cause anymore problems for him. That's why i'm not talking to him, I just don't want to break that bond he has with Justin, i'm just in the way of their friendship."

     "I'm going to kill him. How dare he do that to you and why the hell did he go to your house?!" Claire said

     "I don't know, I barley knew myself. I was just drowned in my own misery and boom he was just there. Look Claire I don't want to ruin your relationship either. I just need someone to talk to."

     "Oh! No you're not in the way of my relationship. I just can't believe he didn't tell me."

We spent the next hour talking and eating what we had ordered, it was fun. We didn't talk about the guys, we just had a good girl talk. Once Claire had left I went back to my own house.

In my parking space there was already a car there and I was confused because I didn't know or recognize that car. I parked on the curb in front of my house and went inside. There siting on my couch was Charlie. The one in Justin's band, but why was he there?

     "May I ask what you are doing here?"

     "Yes, you may."


     "I came to see you." He said 

     "Ok, why?"

     "Can't we just hang out? I want to get to know you better."

     "And that's where the problem begins. I don't want to get to know you."

     "Ouch, that hurts."

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