What Are You, My Knight In Shinning Armor?

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Finally! Chapter eleven! Here's the next part, enjoy! :)

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                                               *Chapter Eleven*

In the morning when I woke I stayed in bed. I really did not want to get up and face the world today. I'll just drown in my own misery today. I got up from my bed and went to the kitchen. I opened every cupboard and looked high and low for my delicious snack I always enjoyed when I felt down. I finally reached the highest cupboard and I saw the bag of gummy worms sticking out in the side and pulled it down towards me.

Once I had the bag in my hands, I went back upstairs to my room and locked my door. I went back inside my comfy bed and began to watch all the DVDs I had of D.B.Z. (Dragon Ball Z) I had to admit, I loved that show when I was younger and I just had to buy the complete set. It was written, I had to be the one to buy and watch all of the episodes, and I mean all.

I made a face when I put a gummy worm in my mouth, it was sour and I did not expect that to happen. I mean I loved the sour gummy worms, but it was a little too early to be eating sour things, but I ate them anyway. I had to express my feelings somehow and I wasn't going to talk to my brother about this, that's for sure.

I was still suffering the after affects from crying all day yesterday and let me tell you, it fucking sucks. Your eyes are all puffy and it feels like you can't see, but in reality you can. Your throat feels like there is something lodged down there and you can't breath, yea don't try it at home.

I stayed in bed until dinner time and when my mom called me to go down I denied and stayed locked inside my own world, the blinds closed, more than half way through of the D.B.Z marathon I owned, and Kleenex's everywhere to help with the runny nose I had going. I was not letting anyone in, I planned to finish the whole D.B.Z episodes I owned and not moving till.

A light tap on my window made me straighten up, I got excited and hoped that he would be the one knocking, but when I pulled the blinds up I saw Adrian there waving. I opened my balcony doors and let him and my face turned into a frown.

     "Why so gloomy? Aren't you happy that Justin is gone from your life?" 

     "I should be happy, right? I mean, I know I told him there was nothing between us, but why did I still cry? I broke his heart, so why do I feel so bad about doing it?" 

     "Because you like him, you just don't want to admit it to yourself." He took a deep sigh like he had said this before and was not interested in hearing it. So why did he come?

    "Justin talked to you already, didn't he?"  

     "How'd you know?"  

     "You don't look interested and you got this look like you've heard all this shit already, that's how." 

     "I'm sorry, it's just that J was devastated and-" 

     "You got mad at me didn't you? That's why you're not talking to me. Why are you even here? To make me feel worse? Just leave. I already ruined Justin's life, I don't need to ruin yours."

Adrian stood up and went to my balcony doors and took one last look at me before finally heading out. Why do I have such bad luck? I ruin everything. I pressed play on my DVD remote and drowned myself with D.B.Z until I fell asleep with anger, sadness, and hunger.

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The next morning I decided to finally get up early and take a shower. I felt relaxed under the steamy warm water and hurried up so I could leave.

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