So That's it, There's Nothing Bettween Us?

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*Chapter Ten*

After Standard Tradition played their four sets they went backstage and Claire dragged me to where they went.

"Umm, I think I should go home now." I told Claire and she glared at me

"Nope, you're staying at my house tonight."


"I already called your mom and she said it was ok." She gave me a smile as led me into the backstage area.

"Fine you win." I looked up once I entered the room and found Justin staring at me and I raised an eyebrow, but he didn't notice.

"Ahem, eyes are up here hun." He looked up at me and I saw something cross his eyes but he walked away before I could see. Hmm, what was his problem? He seemed moody. I shrugged my shoulders and joined the convo with the other members of the band that I hadn't officially met.

"Hey Kayla don't mind Justin he's-"

"Wasn't worrying about him, I don't care." I cut Adrain off before he could defend his friend

"Ok? Anyways I want you to meet the rest if the band. This is Scott, he plays the guitar."

"Hi." Scott only nodded to my response

"And this is Charlie, he plays the drums. Over there is John, and he plays the keyboard."

"Hello you two, i'm Kayla and I am talentless." They all laughed and I smiled, I think they like me. Yay! New friends!

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

We had stayed at Claire's house for a movie night and we were all together in her living room. Claire and Adrain were snuggling on the couch and the rest of the band and me were laying on the floor with blankets and pillows. Justin had appeared a little while after all of us had gotten change and got to Claire's house, not once had he looked at me, not that I wanted him to, but it felt weird. My goal was to forget him like he had forgot me, but I can't, he's too good for me, he deserves someone better and prettier than me. I just had to keep away from him for a while, then he'd be happy without me in his life.

"Stop thinking too hard and enjoy the movie." I looked at Charlie and smiled

"Sorry, did I distract you from the movie?"

"No, but J keeps looking over here at you and you don't even notice him." I didn't look because if I did I would forget everything and I would go over to him.

"The whole world doesn't revolve around him, you know."

"You're the first person that has rejected him, you know. Chicks would be crawling all over him, but you, you're smart and you're staying away."

"Aren't you suppose to be helping him get chicks instead of pushing them away from him?" I asked

"Well, now that I know you, I want to keep you far away from J, as possible. You're to good for him and he'll only ruin you."

"Thanks Charlie, now watch the movie." He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. I was lucky to have found this group of people, they were all nice and outgoing, maybe I could finally fit in.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

We had watched a total of three movies last night and I could tell they were exhausted. I don't remember ever sleeping, but I had, and now I was engulfed with warmth and I did what any rational person would do, I snuggled closer to it. I fell back to a peaceful sleep and forgot about my surroundings. I woke up and I felt extremely warm and cozy, I snuggled closer to the warmth because I didn't want it to go away, then I heard a chuckle and I was immediately awake. I looked over my surroundings and it did not look like Claire's living room, I felt and arm around my waist and I looked behind me to find Justin looking at me with a smile.

Destined To Be LovedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora