New Material

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I'm sorry for this SUPER late update, i'm not going to give you guys any excuse. But at least I updated. Anyways, here's chapter thirteen and Ashlee is on the side ---> you guys don'y have to base the artist I choose as the character you can image them how ever you want. k, on with the story! Sorry again!

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    *Chapter Thirteen*

     "Hey Justin." I said as I entered his apartment with Adrian next to him. He smiled at me and I shifted my gaze to Justin, yea I still wasn't talking to him, i'm still a little upset that he was mad at me because of what happened with Justin. I looked over at Justin and he looked jealous and I knew the reason why. Danny.

     "Can I talk to you for a second Justin?" I asked 

     "Sure." He said still looking at Danny and I laughed to myself and Danny sent me a knowing look. 

     "Can you stop looking at him for a second and look at me?" 

     "Why did you bring him?" 

     "Who? Danny? He's my b-" 

  "What your boyfriend?" I laughed but stopped because he was giving me a glare. 

  "No silly he's my bestfriend, and he's with Ashlee, my other bestfriend. You're so cute when you're jealous, now stop being a party pooper and introduce yourself as my boyfriend. " I said and he smiled and kissed me. 

     "I'm sorry."  

     "It's fine." I said and we walked back to the group  

     "My apologies guys and lady, i'm Justin. Kayla's boyfriend." 

     "Hi." Ashlee said with a flirty voice and I glared at her "Sorry." She whispered and went over to where Danny was, I found it so cute when they told me they had finally got together and I was truly happy for them.

     "Ok. Ashlee come with me and Danny can go with Justin...if that's ok with you?" I said turning to Justin and he smiled "Of course, there's no problem. C'mon Danny you're going to get a behind the scenes look of Standard Tradition's practice secession." 

  "Yippee." He said and I laughed 

     "Have fun." I said and Justin pulled me to him and kissed me. 

  "I'll see you later." He whispered and left with Danny and Adrian.

              ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

     "Oh my God, Kayla. Justin is-" 

  "Taken." I said interrupting Ash 

  "Sorry, I just can't believe you're with the Greek god we saw at Worlds Of Fun." 

  "Well get to believing, it's all him flesh and blood." 

  "Kayla are you ok?" I looked over at Ashlee and gave her a confused look, "Yea, why wouldn't I be?" I asked

  "I don't know, you seem a little off, a little nervous and distracted."  

     "I'm fine."  

    "Are you sure you should be driving?"  

     "I told you I was fine!" 

     "Pull over Kayla." I pulled over to the side of the road and took a deep breath. "Tell me what's wrong?"  

     "I'm scared, ok?" 

   "Kayla, it's going to be fine. He's not going to leave you and you guys will be together."  

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