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                        *Chapter Fifteen*

I was currently sitting in front of a very pissed off Claire and I was squirming in my seat, I didn't expect her to take my news so badly. When I told her was leaving for college back in Wyoming she went nuts and started telling me that I was running away and ruining my life because I chose not to be with Justin and blah blah blah.

It was crazy because Adrian had to calm her down while I was just sitting and trying to calm my nerves down. I hadn't told her that I was going to be leaving in a few weeks and I don't think that news was going to be any better.

    "Are you calm now?" I asked but Claire didn't talk she just glared, "all right then, the thing is that i'm leaving in a few weeks and I just wanted to let you guys know before hand, just in case. I didn't expect you guys to react so harsh."

    "No problem Kayla, I think she's just in a little shock, so don't worry about her, I'll take care of her." Adrian said and I smiled at him.

    "Ok, well then I best get going, I'll umm see you later, I guess."

    "Ok, bye Kayla."

I hurried out Claire's apartment and sat on her porch steps and then her screaming began. I don't get what her big deal is? I'm just going away for a little bit, if anything she should be happy for me, she's suppose to be my friend, right?

I got up and went inside my car, and drove back to my house, at least I could relax a little bit in my own secluded place, also known as my room.

Once I got home all the lights were out, seeing as I was at Claire's all day and barley decided to tell her about my moving away now, it got pretty dark since then. I quietly stuck my key in the lock and closed the door behind me and went up the stairs to my room one by one trying to make the least noise as possible.

I succeeded and went inside my room and quietly shut that behind me, I shivered and started rubbing my hands up and down my arms trying to warm myself and checked my window only to see it open. It gets chilly at night but really hot during the day. Hmm I wonder if I left it open or if my mom came in here.

I turned on my lights and almost screamed, I put my hand over my mouth to cover any noise, I didn't want everyone waking up. Justin was on my bed with his arms crossed and sleeping. Can you believe that? He was sleeping in my bed, my bed. Ugh I wanted to push him off and let him fall to the ground, but he looked so cute sleeping I couldn't do that so I did the next best thing, I jumped on him.

Which causes him to sit forward and I just so happened to turn my face so that he was directly in front of me. I bit the inside of my cheek, I wanted to look anywhere but his eyes, but I couldn't I was captivated by them and as hard as I wanted to I couldn't break eye contact with him. What broke the intense eye battle was that I saw him lean in and close the gap between us but I backed away just in time.

He looked hurt, but I was hurt too and I was not going to forgive him that easily for not telling me about that chick we saw. I quickly got off of him and crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him.

    "Get the hell out of my house."

    "Why should I?"

    "Because I don't want you...here." I said  

    "That's bullshit and you know it." 

    "What do you want Justin?" I asked  

    "You." I laughed

    "Good one, now leave."

    "Just like you. Why didn't you tell me you were going to leave?"

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