We Were Far From Being Just Friends

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                                         *Chapter Fourteen*

(Justin's P.O.V)

    "Justin baby! Where have you been?"

    "Oh, hey Olivia." I muttered. She ran up to me and clung her arms around my neck and basically glued her body to mine and it felt disgusting. I don't know what I ever saw in her.

    "Ahem." Kayla coughed and I pushed Olivia away from me and gave her a glare "Who is this?" Kayla said looking Olivia up and down.

    "Umm..." I really didn't know how to say this and I just rubbed the nape of my neck.

    "And who are you? His new fuck buddy?" Olivia said and Kayla smirked, I knew what she was going to say and I wasn't ready to tell Olivia yet.

    "No, i'm his-"

    "Bestfriend." I interrupted and Kayla looked hurt and betrayed, but she quickly smirked again playing it off well and looking at Olivia.

    "Bestfriend? You never told me this babe." Olivia said rubbing all up on me and I saw Kayla clench her fist ready to pounce on Olivia any minute.

    "Olivia I already told you I wanted nothing to do with you quite a while ago."

    "But you always say that and then you come crawling back to me. You don't have to deny anything just because she is here, I could even do the thing you like so much-"

    "All right! I'm leaving! Bye Justin, call me when you get rid of the slut. You know what, don't even bother." Kayla walked away and I was going to catch up to her but Olivia was holding me back and let me tell you she had a strong grip.

    "She really wasn't your bestfriend was she?" Olivia said and I shook my head no "Justin-"

    "Shut up. And get the hell away from me Olivia, I seriously lost the only thing I cared about. Thank you for ruining my life, again." I walked away before she could say anything else and I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. "Fuck!" I punched the wall next to me and I left a hole and also hurt my hand pretty bad.

(Kayla's P.O.V)

Why didn't he follow me? I mean you would expect that after what just happened. I just can't believe he call me his bestfriend I mean really? Bestfriend. we are-were far from being just friends, we were a couple for crying out loud! And how long did that last? A day and a half. How pathetic. I needed to get out of here and I didn't know who to call, but then I remembered who was there since this started. I took my phone out and dialed the first name in my contact list.

    "Hello Adrian..?"

                        ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

    "What the hell do you mean by i'm done?" Adrian yelled and I just sat back and finally let it all settle in, I couldn't do this anymore. There were way too many obstacles and this time I couldn't surpass them.

    "Exactly what you heard, i'm done. This is just too much." I let a single tear fall and tried to hold it in but Adrian pulled over and hugged and that's when I let it all out. I was sobbing and I couldn't stop, it really did hurt and I couldn't stay here. I had to leave, I had to leave this problem town.

After I was done completely soaking Adrain's shirt with my tears he drove me home. I didn't even wait for him to come to a complete stop, before I opened the car door and ran inside to my room where I locked my door. I laid my back against the door and slumped down to the ground hugging my knees to my chest and sobbing some more.

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