The Shack

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                       *Chapter Sixteen*

We had gotten all our belongings and sorted them out and put them in their proper place. The apartment had three rooms and it was pretty spacious, Ashlee and Danny were cuddled up on the couch that was already there and were watching the TV Danny had brought. They looked so cute together, I couldn't help it, I stood up and went to my room without them noticing something was wrong with me and cried silently.

I'm not going to lie I miss having someone there to hug me and smile at me, I just felt alone and wanted someone to want me and make me happy. I don't want to bother my friends with my problems so I stayed in my room until I could fully control myself and made sure no one could see that I was crying.

I went back to the living room and smiled at Danny, Ashlee was asleep in his arms and a movie was on. I couldn't tell which one they were watching but I bet it was boring because Ashlee usually never sleeps during movies. I looked back at my friends and saw Danny caressing Ashlee's cheek and the tears were coming back but I pushed them back and focused on anything else but the couple just a couple couches away.

                                ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

You could say I have gotten better at controlling my emotion these past few months, I don't cry as mush as I used to and I find myself smiling more often and laughing with Ashlee and Danny. College life is just like I expected it to be, a hustle. It's nice to walk around and see people trying to hurry onto their next lecture or just having a little break time. I tend to not talk as much as I used to and sit in the middle where it's all empty, mostly people tend to sit along the sides so I sit in the middle.

I was currently taking notes in my psychology class and getting prepared for a big assignment when I hear someone sit next to me, I obviously did not turn my head I was too busy writing down what my professor was saying and I did not want to miss a word he said.

A tap on my shoulder did make me turn and I see Ashlee there, it was strange because she doesn't have this class, i'm all by myself in this class. I gave her a confused look and she just points to the door, I nod and point to my wristwatch signaling when the class was over we would talk and she smiled and left the room.

About thirty minutes later my professor released us and I looked around for Ashlee and she had two Starbucks coffees in her hands. We made eye contact and I smiled, her relationship with Danny is going surprisingly well, I say that because I figured they were either going to find it weird but no, they are perfectly fine together. I walked over to her and she handed me a cup and I took it. It was silent for a second, I really didn't know what to say, we barley saw each other as it was.

It actually felt weird being around her right now since all i've been doing was avoiding everybody including one of my best friends.

    "How's everything going so far? You know the semester is almost over right?" I looked over at Ashlee and nodded

    "Yea, I know.."

    "What are you going to do? Stay here or go back home?"

    "I am home." I said stubbornly

    "You know what I mean, home as in your parents house, home. Back in Tennessee." I bit the inside of my cheek, I've been doing that a lot lately, I haven't really given that much thought into what I was going to do once the first semester was over. I didn't really want to go back to Tennessee just yet.

    "I don't want to go back just yet, i'm not ready, I'll just tell my parents i'm really busy and I won't be able to go, they'll understand." I said

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