Ok, Just Cut Right to the Point. Got it

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                                                                      *Chapter Seven*

As I watched Justin walk in the door my heart started pounding in my chest, I was so not ready to see him yet. Yea, I saw him last night at the park, but this is different. This a reunion and we are so not on friendly terms. As soon as he laid his eyes on me his mouth fell open, and I smirked. Ha. Loser.

     "Justin honey close your mouth, you'll catch flies." his mom told him and I laughed quietly to myself. 

      "Sorry." he said but never took his eyes off me. 

      "Ahem." I coughed and he snapped back to reality. 

      "Kayla honey! You look so beautiful!" his mom said 

     "Thanks." I looked over to the little girl who was hiding behind her legs "And who's this little cutie?" I said and crouched in front of her.

     "I'm Mackenzie." she said and I smiled. 

     "Nice to meet you Mackenzie, can I call you Kenzie?" she nodded "Wonderful, i'm Kayla." 

     "You're pretty."  

     "Aww, thanks sweetie." I said and got up from my kneeling position "Ok well it was nice seeing you all, I best be getting on my way." I said

     "Where are you going?" Justin asked and I ignored his question. 

     "It was really nice see you guys again, i'm sorry I couldn't stay."  

     "It's all right honey, we can come back another week while you're here." Lucy said 

     "Bye everybody, enjoy your meal."

                                                                                   ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

     "So, Kayla, have you seen Justin around lately?" Adrian asked me, after a couple hours of being at his apartment with Claire. 

     "Yup." I said 

     "Oh really? When? Because when you saw him you walked away." 

     "Right before I came here, and last night at the park when he still didn't know my name and...Hmm, where else..?" 

     "Last night? Today? Im confused, and I don't get confused very easily."

     "Yes, you do. Anyways, after I said goodbye to Claire at her house I drove to the park. All of a sudden.BOOM. Justin's there." I said leaving out the part where he held me. "Then my parents brilliant idea to invite his family for a cookout today, which I sneakily got out of, I even had to say hi to him. And oh my God Adrian, you should've seen his face when he saw me..it was priceless." 

     "You're cruel. But I bet his face was hilarious, did he have his mouth open?" He asked and I nodded which made him laugh even harder. 

     "If I wouldn't have known that you guys barley met a couple days ago, I would have assumed you were best friends. I mean look at you guys, laughing and smiling." Claire said coming from the kitchen and sitting on Adrian's lap.

     "Well your boyfriend is quite friendly and we get along just fine. You're lucky to have him. You know?" Claire blushed and Adrian smirked up at her. They slowly leaned in closer to each other and kissed. I got up, embarrassed that I was invading their private space and walked into Adrian's living room.

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