If Destiny Wanted To

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Here's a chapter in Justin P.O.V, it's a bit short, but that's all I could come up with. hope you enjoy! Please vote and comment, I would like to see what you guys think about this story. Thanks! :) Kayla on the side -->

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                                                      *Chapter Two*

(Justin's P.O.V)

     "Who you texting?" Charlie asked 

     "None of your damn business."  

     "Don't tell me it's Olivia you're texting. You know every time you talk to her you get moody." Scott cut in. 

     "Since when was my life so important to you?"  

     "See?" Scott said 

    "Whatever." I waited to see if Charlie was going to say something smart but, he stayed quiet...that's odd.

     "Damn!" Charlie whistled 

     "What?" I asked, finally looking up. 

     "Whew, look at that fine piece of a-" 

     "You're right she's smoking." I cut him off. 

     "The blonde...right?" 

     "Nah, the brunette all the way..."

That girl had caught my attention right away...with her tanned legs, and long black wavy hair that blown in the wind. She was amazing and had a great complexion, her vibe was coming off strong to me and I wanted to know who she was...and pronto.

I caught her looking at me and she quickly looked away, then she grabbed the guy next to her by the arm and pulled him away. I had to admit I felt a little jealous that she had a boyfriend, but that didn't stop me. I walked to where she went off to, but I couldn't find her.

     "Dude, where'd you go?" Charlie asked once I walked back to the group. "Let's go see if we can go find us some girls."  

     "Yea, I'll be there." I checked back to where that girl was and saw a glimpse of her long hair go around the corner, and I ran over to where she was.

     "Hey! Wait!" I called out but, she only seemed to go farther away from me, I finally caught up to her and tapped her shoulder. When she turned around it wasn't her, she was older and had on orange lipstick.

     "Sorry, wrong person." I grimaced and she walked away. Once again I looked around for the mysterious girl and I found her looking at me. She laughed at me and shook her head before walking off, this time I didn't chase her. If destiny wanted us to find each other than this won't be the only time I would get to see her.

     "What's up with you bro?" Scott asked 


     "You've been distant since you seen that girl...Oh!" he was always the slow one in the group 

     "Really? A girl, J?" Charlie said 

     "She wasn't just some girl, she was the girl, I just know it." I said  

     "You said that about Olivia." Scott stated

     "Ok, I admit my choice in Olivia was wrong, but this time I just know it." 

     "Then where is she? Huh?" Charlie said 

     "If destiny wants us to meet again, then I'll see her soon... very soon." 

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