The face inside is right beneath our skin

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*Austins POV*

He stood in the booth and was about to sing the next chorus when he heard Jason talk through the microphone into his headphones. He ordered him to come out for a few seconds. In a way it was important. He sighed and put the headphones back. They hadn't had success yet. That was in a way depressing. They worked so hard on their last album but they didn't sell it a lot. He went out of the booth and was greeted by a smirking Jason.

"Whats wrong", he asked and took a sip from his glass of water.

Jason took his arm and dragged him to the couch.

"You know we worked hard", he started.

"Yeah I know. But that didn't help us at all... I don't think this is going to be something good. We'll never be as successfull as other bands", Austin said and sighed.

"No no don't say that. I have a plan!"

His eyes widened and came a little closer to the other guy.

"Tell me", he said curious.

Did I regret what I did? In a way I did. I didn't know what was wrong with me back then. I just thought about beeing successfull. I wasn't that kind of a person. I wasn't bad. No. I never was. Since the last happening.

"We can't do that, Jason! Are you kidding me? They are my friends. No, I'm not going to participate at that", he said with an angry voice and stood up.

Jason grabbed his arm and pulled him down on the couch.

"Come on, I'm not done yet."

I didn't believe Jason everything he said. No, at the start I was totally the opinion that Chester did not a thing like that. That didn't fit to Chester. But all of sudden something won my mind that I started to believe every single word what came out of Jasons mouth.

"He did it. He raped my sister, Austin. My sister isn't a bitch or liar."

He stared at the ground. He was confused. What was right and what was wrong?

"Come on. We just get them out of the way and then we have that what we worked for the whole time. Come on, Austin! We're not going to hurt them too bad."

All lies. Jason just lied. Oh got I was so dumb. I hurt my friends. God what have I done? I was about to go to the room where Mike was caught when my phone rang. Jason. I didn't want to answer but I had to play the bad guy.

"Whats up, Jay?"

"How's going with Mikey-boy?"

"Good", I said simple.

"Ah... Okay and..."


"What did you do to him? I'm just curious", he said quietly.

"What I had to do", I whispered.

"Yo bro, are you alrigh?"

"Yes, I'm fine", I said and anger raised in my chest.

"Okay. Then hang on with him. I call you later. Bye", he said and hung up.

Bro... No I didn't want to do that anymore. I felt so fucking guilty. What have I done? I took my whole courage together and entered the room with Mike. He jumped when he saw me standing in the doorway.

"D-don't come nearer!"

"Mike... I..."

"N-no! D-don't say a thing", he said afraid.

"Please Mike", I said with a lower voice.

His look softened and hardened a second later.


"Look... I know it wasn't right what I did and..."

"Yes, it wasn't right", he said dry.

"And I wanted to say that I'm really sorry and I totally understand when you don't want to do a thing with me anymore but I just want you to know that I'm so sorry... When Grey Daze didn't had success we were all down and then Jason came up with this plan. At first I didn't found this idea as helpful but when I thought about being successfull with the band I... Mike please I'm so sorry. I didn't wanted that it was getting out of control like this. They forced me to do it. They promised me not to hurt you just to... Michael... I'm so sorry... Please...", I begged for dear life.


"Did I do something like that to be successfull? No. You could have thought about plans to become famous! You fucker!"

"Mike... please.... I know that I did a huge mistake... Please can we start all over again?"

"No, Austin! I'm done with that! The band is splitted up, Joe and Rob are still in the desert, starving. Chester, Brad and Dave are caught by your 'friends'. I think Chester is already drown in his pain and fear or TEARS! I don't care that you raped me. Maybe I can forgive you by the time. But that you accepted to let those idiots do something to Chester again... I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THAT! GOT IT?! He's broken, AGAIN! And because a friend of him accepted one of the stupidest ideas you ever heard. God you are so fucking selfish, Austin! STAY AWAY FROM ME AND LET ME OUT TO HELP MY FRIENDS! NOW!"


"NO! Shut the FUCK UP!"

I nodded and got out of the doorway.

"Your keys for the car", he threatened me.

I gave him my keys with shaking hands. He took a step forwards, standing in front of me now. He eyed me and shook his head.

"Goodbye, Austin. I don't want to see you for the next times. I want that you never talk to Chester or the other guys again. You lied to me. You were my friend. I trusted you, Austin. To break the trust of a friend is one of the worsest thing a person can do", he said softly, shaking his head again and leaving then the room.

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