Hit the floor

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*Chesters POV*

I sighed and stared out of the little window. I just sat at the corner the whole time. Didn't say a single word. I was caught in my own thoughts. Lost. Broken. Damned. Brad and Dave tried to talk to me a lot. I didn't. I hadn't moved. I heard them whisper again. I didn't meant to be mad at them. It was just that I wasn't in the mood to talk.

I hadn't eaten or drank a bit neither. I just sat at my corner. In the night I slept but I had nightmares.

Tears welled up in my eyes again. My body hurt and I think I lost some weight. I was mentally and physically in a bad state. I could tell.

I felt a warm tear on my cheek. Another one. I sniffled and a second later I felt an arm, wrapped around my shoulders.

"Chester... Please talk to us", he whispered. I still hadn't move.

"Dave... He needs to get out of here. He needs help. Look Chester. We totally understand when you don't want to talk but we're so worried about you. Please Chester."

I stared out at the window again. I opened my mouth and wanted to say something. But it didn't work.

"Chester. We need to know if you're okay", Dave said softly.

"M-Mike", I said eventually.

Both of them sighed in relief.

"We find Mike. I bet he's okay. I promise you Chester."


I turned around and faced them.

"Before he took Mike he said he would touch him. Austin raped Mike. He told me. Mike's not okay."

Tears fell down on my cheeks again. Their faces were full of disbelief.

"D-did he", Brad stuttered.

I nodded my head sadly. Dave ran with his hand over his face. Brad stared at a corner of the dirty room. And me? I was crying uncontrollably again. My eyes burned and were heavy. Now I was the person who felt guilty.

"I should've saved him from that. Mike doesn't deserve something like that. No not Mike..."

"Chester don't say that. That's not true. Of course, Mike doesn't deserve it. But neither did you. You had no chance to beware him. Nobody of us did."

"Dave I just want him in my arms again. I want to hug him. I don't want to be here anymore. I want to play concerts again, be together with my family or with you guys. I-I want to be happy again. I c-can't handle it anymore. It's t-too much for me", I said and broke down again.

"Come here", Dave said softly and hugged me tighly. I felt his heat. He smelled good, even if he hadn't took a shower since forever. I sniffled and settled down after a time. Brad came over and joined the hug. A light smile spread across my lips.

"Everything is going to be alright. We make sure you're okay. We'll all be okay. I promise", Dave said and let go of me. I wiped away the last tears and took a deep breath. We all would be okay. 

*Mikes POV*

Rob entered the parking lot and stopped the car. My heart raced and I started shaking.

"Before we go out. How do we do it? I mean, don't we need a plan?"

"Yeah I think we should hack out one", Joe said from the back.

"Let's do it traditionally. One is going to do a diversionary tactic."

"No. I bet they have weapons. We can't risk that", I said.

"But how we do it then?"

"I'm not sure, Joe. Wait... Hell yeah I have an idea."


"In the room in the basement, there was this little window. It was connected to a little tube which got out in the first floor, outside. We could communicate through it."

"Can't we go inside", Rob asked.

"No because there are railings. I'm not sure but I think you can open the window. Yeah let's wait until it's dark and then let's find it."

"Okay", both of them said.

And then we waited until the sun set. It was pretty cool there. Everything was orange and pink. What a mishmash of colours.

When the sun set I prepared myself for everything.

After a half an hour again, Rob started talking, breaking the silence:

"Let's go."

"Yeah", I said and nodded.

Quietly, we got out of the car.

"Okay I'm not sure where the room is exactly but I think that it's more on the left side. Let's walk around the building. I turn left and you guys can turn right at first. Okay?"

"Why don't we go together", Rob asked confused.

"Well... Of course we can go together but I thought that... Never mind. Let's go together."

They gave me a short nod and we started walking towards the building.

The reason why I wanted to go alone is that I needed some time for myself. The fight after the tourbus got kidnapped was only one week ago. A lot happened in that week. It was too much for me. I sighed and should have stopped walking, because the other two stopped ad well. I was just too deep in my thoughts.

"Mike, you're okay, buddie?"

"Yeah", I said quietly.

I haven't told them that incident with Austin. I didn't want to make them upset.
We continued our walk and after a few minutes we arrived at the building.

"Turn left now", Joe asked.

"Mhh", I mumbled.

"You sure you're okay", Rob asked again.

"Yes. Fine."

We turned left and landed in an old field with dried grass. The moon was shining and showed us our way. The walls of the factory were cracked and old. After a corner we turned right and then I saw a hole which turned out as the tube. I ran forward and saw the railings over the opening.

"I think you can put them off", Joe said breathless.

I was glad that I could pull the metalcircle with the railings up. I did so, threw it away and entered the tube. It was a lot bigger than myself. I landed on the ground, got on my knees and looked through the small window.

A smile was formed on my lips when I saw the guys sleeping. But Chester didn't look good.

"I bet they're sleeping", Rob said quietly.

"Yeah. But I have to wake them up."

I knocked at the window. Not too loud. One of Chesters eyes flew open. He looked scared but crawled to the window. I waved with my hand. Hoped he would realize it was me. He stared at me for a few seconds and then a huge smile spread on his face. I made a movement to show him to open the window. He did so.

"Mike", he whispered happily.

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