Leave out all the rest

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Mike glared at me:

"Are you mad at me? Chester I-"

"Shh!! Just be quite for a minute, okay?"

He nodded.

"Good. So at first, what you told me yesterday is bullshit! Twice, why do you think I would be mad at you? You did nothing wrong! Third, you're my best friend, Mike. You did nothing wrong! You don't have to apologize, because you think you're a jerk. Thats funny because you're not! Listen to me! Why the hell you said that?"

He was quite.

"I have to tell you something right now: When I met you first, I never thought, that we could be friends like this now. I didn't like you. Yeah, actually, I hated you. But I looked into our future, the band. And after a time I realised that I was the jerk of us. We became closer and became best friends like now. You helped me through a lot, Mike, you know? And even I was an idiot, you stayed. You stayed. You never was a jerk or asshole to me. You always were my hero and my best friend."

"Oh Chazzy... I don't know what to say..."

He smiled slightly.

"You don't have to say anything. I just wanted you to know that. But anyway, where are Brad, Rob, Dave and Joe?"

"I don't know... I think the guys took them aside..."

"Oh look who's awake", the guy from the day before said.

"What do you want", Mike asked.

He looked at me and grinned. My eyes widened.

"I swear, if you touch him, I'll beat the shit out of you!"

"And what if I beat you up first?"

"You can't."

"M-Mike don't say anything wrong", I tried to talk to Mike.

"Okay what about we make a deal. We gonna fight agains each other and when I beat you up, I can do whatever I want with both of you, deal? So I think you're not shy."

"Okay", Mike said.


"Chester calm down", he tried to calm me.

"Yeah you son of a bitch, shut up! That's none of your business!"

"Mike, he'll kill you. Don't do that!"

"Chester. He won't. And if I don't do that, he's going to do I don't want to know what with you. Trust me", he winked.

"M-Mike... You're insane!"

"So, c'mon, let's do it."

*Mike's POV*

I know that it was insane and I just realised that I made a big mistake. But I had no chance. I didn't know what I was thinking. But now it was clear. I had to win that battle even I would end up unconscious. I had to beware Chester from this hell. This was all I had to do. He was like my brother, so I had to save my brother.

"So c'mon let's do it", the man said.

"You're not going to do this", Chester tried to change my mind, "You're crazy."

"I know", I muttered.

The man untied my shackles. And then he went to Chester and did the same but held his arms.

"Let go of me", he hissed.

"HEY, grab the other ones and come outside. And you, ehm, Shinoda, if you try to run away, our little friend will get hurt", the man yelled at his mates and the last part directional at me.

"You're really brave, you know? I boxed for ten years, a long time ago."

Then he pulled out his hoodie and I saw his muscles. Shit. My body started shaking. I really regretted that. But it was for Chester and the other ones. Me inclusive. My hands shook extrem and I could barely breath. This was going to get worse.

Scream!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora