In the end

476 25 13

*Mikes POV*

We all except Chester sat in the studio. He was out to get the todays newspaper. Rob, actually Chester and I sat on the couch, Brad and Joe on the other couch. And the armchair was, as always, booked for Dave. On the desk in front of us were a lot of cake and donuts. I called the guys yesterday evening to meet, eat some cake and discuss a new tour.
The whole happening was one month ago. I was glad that Chester was slowly getting over it as myself. Also it seemed that all of us were even more closer than before. We hadn't fought yet and we all held together when one of us had a breakdown. I forgave Austin. He and his band talked about their issues, he told me, and it seemed that they continued their new album. In a way it was good for us. I mean, we were closer, Chester seemed stronger than before, Austin quiet Grey Daze and reunited with Of Mice And Men and Jasons sister was in therapy because it turned out that she lied a lot more about rape. Of course, those memories will all hunt us down in our life but the result was better then expected.

I took a sip from my coffee when Chester finally entered the room. A huge smile was formed by his thin lips. Hell he was laughing.

"What's so funny", Brad asked confused, "is it-"

"No Brad it's not your hair. Well Jason and his dudes got arrested for about 2 1/2 years", he smiled.

"Oh my god thats amazing, Chester", I said, jumped off of the couch and gave him a big hug.

"YES IT IS", he laughed.

"Told you Chaz", Dave said.

"I know.. You always have been right. I think... without you, I wouldn't have made it through that. Wow... I can never thank you enough for always raising me up, bringing back hope and...", he turned away and rubbed his hand over his eyes.

"Awww... GROUP HUG", Brad said and everyone came around Chester and myself. After a few minutes of silence, Dave started talking:

"Erm I don't want to sound rude..."

"Yep", Rob said and we all let go of each other.

Chester blushed, as always.

"Hahaha Chester", Joe laughed.

"Don't make fun of my nice, red blush. You should be jealous", he acted in a high-pitched voice. We bursted out in laughing.

"Well... Then you should be jealous of my hair, Chester", Brad laughed.

"Nah... not really. Thats too curly in my opinion", Chester answered we all bursted out in laughters.

"I don't want to interrupt your very interesting conversation but I'm hungry", Joe said.

"Me too", I said and we went back to our seats. We ate the cake and the donuts and after a half an hour we all were full.

"I'm full", Dave growled.

"If I eat some more donuts then I'll throw up", Rob said.

"Hopefully you don't eat more", I laughed.

"I wanna do something", Chester whined.

"Wow... not yet buddie. At first my stomach has to do a lot of work", Dave said, rubbing his stomach.

"Okay see you in an hour", I laughed.

"See you in an hour", Dave aped myself and stood up.

"Have fun on the toilet", Joe said and hid a laughter.

"Thanks", Dave yelled back on his way to the bathroom.

"Don't forget to open the window", Chester added and we bursted out in laughter.

"Okay what do you wanna do, Chaz", I asked.

"Not sure", he shrugged.

"Sorry I need to go home. Elisa is waiting", Brad said.

"Heidi as well", Joe added.

"Okay see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah", both of them said nodding.

"Bye", Chester added.

"What do we do now", Rob said queitly.

I shrugged.

"Let's play some basketball", Chester suggested.

"Good idea."

"Yeah", Rob smiled.

"Do we even wait for Dave", I asked.

"No", Chester laughed and went to the door.

"DAVE WE'RE OUT", I yelled and just heard him screaming something like 'Guys'.

The sun was high and it was hot. Chester came back with a basketball and sunglasses.

"You and your sunglasses", I laughed.

"Come on they make me look younger."

"You're sure you don't add blush to your face, girly?"

"Yes I'm sure. That's all natural", he said and smiled. An adorable smile, in my opinion.

"Come on you two little divas. Let's play some nice basketball", Rob said and Chester threw the ball.

Ten minutes later, Dave joined the game and we played an exhausting match.


I fell into the grass, sweat running down my face. Dave and Rob were getting some drinks and Chester sat down right next to me. He lay down and we stared into the blue sky.

"Look that cloud right there looks like you and me", he said softly and showed me one of the white clouds.

"Yeah... You're right."

The cloud showed exactly Chester and me laying next to each other. I smiled lightly, because it was funny and weird at the same time. But when I thought about it, that cloud showed exactly our whole friendship. After all the things that happened. It was crazy where the band went through. But all of that just glued us more together than everything. I had this feeling that it would come a time where everything gets messed up again but at that moment, I ignored that feeling. I was just happy that we were together and could start the tour and everything else all over again.

We lay in silence, enjoying the moment. It wouldn't be forever like that, everyone of us knew but who said that we couldn't enjoy the moment. I sighed and closed my eyes. A light breeze flew over my body and I shivered. I felt Chester shivering next to me as well. And then the sun showed itself again and warmed me up. I opened my eyes and realized that the cloud, which looked like Chester and me, still stood at the same place. I sighed again and listened to the birds.

"Mike", Chesters soft voice rang to my ears.

"Yeah Chester", I spoke softly.

"Do you think we'll stay friends?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean... Who knows what happens in the future?"

"You're worried that we won't be friends anymore in the future?"

"To be honest... I am Mikey... I don't want to loose you."

"Neither do I. But we should enjoy the moment. Don't be worried about your future. Every door is open.", I spoke.

"But.... Do you think we all will be friends, 'till Brads hair gets grey?"

"Yeah Chester... I think that. Do you think that", I asked softly, still starring into the sky.

"Yeah", he whispered, "forever."

"Yeah... Forever Chazzy. Forever."


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