Not alone

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*Chesters POV*

At least, Mike and I were alone. He wasn't gagged, but he was quiet. I tried to realise the situation. My best friends and I were kidnapped. I never thought, that this would happen to me. Everything seemed so greatful. My life was perfect.

But now? It started all again to get messed up. My eyes watered a bit. I wanted Talinda then. I wanted to hold her tight in my arms. Listening to her kind words, smelling her beautiful scent and looking in those wonderful eyes. I wanted her so badly at that moment. And I wanted my kids. My little/grown up boys and my little, beautiful girls.

Why was life so unfair? I thought about everything, my whole life. Hard times, bad times, being down, thinking about so many bad things, which I wanted to do and then there came the band and my love, Talinda. My life was perfect until now.

All the memories came back and I was pretty scared about, what could've happen. While I was thinking, I didn't realised that I was crying the whole time.

"Chester", Mike interrupted my thoughts... I looked at him.

I knew that my eyes were red and that I had dark circles under my eyes..

"Oh Chaz... I'm so sorry...", he looked at me with compassion.

I wanted him not to feel guilty. I wanted to say that but I couldn't.

"I'm so sorry Chaz. I was so wrong. It's my fault. I'm so sorry. Really!"

I shook my head.

No, you're not, I thought.

It wasn't his fault. Life was just unfair.

"I'm really sorry Chaz. But please forgive me. If I never said that you should apologize to Brad... But, please remember that you're Not alone. I'll be always there for you! Chaz! I wish you could say something."

Suddenly he started to cry. I never saw Mike crying. I shook my head again. I wanted to hug him. Saying, that it wasn't his fault. I loved him so much! When I thought that I could loose him, I would die. He's my best friend. I couldn't live without him. I realised it in that moment.

"I don't want to loose you, Chester! I would die for you! Really! You are my best friend. I love you so much! I couldn't live without you! You mean so much for me! I am always here for you! You can trust me, everytime! I will be at your side, when you need me. I love you so much, Chester!"

My whole face was wet with tears.

He glued me, everytime. Yes, everytime. Even if my heart wanted to broke, he held it in his hands and healed it. He was just more than a best friend. He's my brother, my better half.

I couldn't thank him for everything he has done.

It was silent, again. Mikes eyes met mine. I saw the sadness in his eyes. Normally they shone but not now. He knew too, that we were in big trouble.

I gave Mike another glance until I drifted off into a deep sleep.

*Mikes POV*

I could barely sleep that night, because it was stormy outside. I watched Chester while he slept. He was so cute. I felt so sorry for him. For everything, 'cause he had too much stuff already to handle this too. I wondered, if we would come out of this shit. I hoped so.

*Talindas POV*

I woke up the next morning and started at the ceiling. I thought about Chester. I  missed him so much, the kids too. Everytime they asked me "Mommy, when does daddy come back, we miss him so much". I told them that he was working. He was already two months away. We chatted very often or did face time.

When I took my phone, I saw that he tried to call me. I smiled lightly and called him back. I hoped that he was awake. Nobody answered. But I didn't tried it another time, because I thought that he was asleep. They had the day before a concert. He must've been very tired. So I decided to let him sleep.

*Chesters POV*

I woke up, as my phone buzzed. I prayed that one of those men wouldn't hear that. Wrong.

"What the hell-", one of them yelled and then I heard footsteps.

"Are you kidding me", he asked and put the scarf out of my mouth, finally. I coughed and breathed heavily.

"Who was that", the guy asked me.

"Who was what", I asked back and stared at him.

"Your fucking phone buzzed!"

"Oh that... um .. that was the devil who wanted to caught you!"

"Oh you're such a player, huh?"

"Oh you're such a fast learner."

"Oh you wanna argument?"

"I think you won't, because you know that I will win, doens't you?"


"Oh you give up already?"

"No I give a fuck."

"So you give up", I said, staring at him.

"Shut up, motherfucker."

"You're a jerk. You're nothing. Just jealous!"

"Oh c'mon even if I would be jealous of your fucking life?"

"Sounds like that."

"You wanna get some big problems?"

"Oh no I don't want that... But you'll get a big problem, when the police is going to catch you. Rot in hell!"

"I'm gonna show you the hell when you don't stop saying things like that."

"Oh, I catched a vulnerable agency?"

*Mikes POV*

I woke up when I heard a familiar voice and another one fighting. It was Chester and another man, who stood in front of him.

"I'm gonna show you the hell when you don't stop saying things like that", the guy said.

Chester countered back:

"Oh, I catched a vulnerable agency?"

Good Chazzy, I thought. The guy left the room. Chester won the argument.

"Good job. If my hands weren't tied I would clap."

"This motherfucker."

I nodded:

"I know, Chaz."

"Oh, before I forget... about yesterday..."

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