Lost in the Echo

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*Chester's POV*

I stood there, alone. Trying to realise, what just happenend. I was totally perplexed. I couldn't believe, that THIS happened. My band members left WITHOUT ME!

If we hadn't had the fight a few minutes ago, I would think that they were just kidding, but no. They never would do that for seriously! I swear! Something was wrong. My heart said that. But if everything was okay and they only wanted to go away? Maybe they hate me. When I thought about, that my best friends hated me, I, I couldn't believe.

A warm tear fell down on my cheek and I brushed it away with my fingers. But then another one fell and I broke down, bursted out in tears.

Sitting on my knees, hands in my face, on a street in nowhere. I sat there, for minutes, which felt like hours. But then I decided to stand up. I wanted to call Mike.

*peep peep*

"Come on Mike."

Suddenly he hung up, before he agreed.

"What the hell-"

I was speechless. Did he really hung up? I tried it again. Same thing. Three is a number of luck, isn't it? So I tried it again, for the third time. Luckily, someone agreed the Conversation.

But what I heard, when the person at the other end agreed, made me scared, speechless again and angry too.

"If you ever try to call Mike or somebody else again, you will get some big problems, got it?"

I said nothing. A few seconds later the person repeated:

"I asked if you got it!!"


"GOT IT", he interrupted me angrily.

"Y-yes", I whispered. Then he hung up.

I only heard that beaping, as he hung up. I stared at my mobile phone and realised, that definitely something was wrong!

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